This Is WHY You Are Really Magnesium Deficiency

This Is WHY You Are Really Deficient in Magnesium

Discover the real reasons behind widespread magnesium deficiency and how it impacts your health. Learn about dietary factors, medications, and lifestyle habits that deplete magnesium, and find out how to boost your levels naturally.

How much magnesium do you need?

How much magnesium do you need?

Wanna point out something very important related to magnesium .

It’s actually not as easy as you think to get it from your diet .

And sometimes when you ask people , like , what foods are high in magnesium , they don’t really know .

They might say bananas or something like that , but you’d have to consume 11 cups of bananas to get your daily amount of magnesium .

And you have to consume even more bananas to get your potassium .

So I wanna tell you the type and the quantity of certain foods that you need to achieve this , magnesium requirement .

Magnesium RDAs

Now for men , it’s about 420 milligrams per day .

For women , it’s about 320 milligrams per day .

I’m primarily going to focus more on the requirements for men .

And so when I cover this , just realize that it’s gonna be a little less for women .

Magnesium benefits

But you know how important magnesium is since 40% of the entire population is deficient in magnesium .

Magnesium is essential for generating energy .

Magnesium benefits reduce stress and cortisol and helping you sleep

It’s essential for reducing the risk of cramps and helping reduce stress and cortisol and helping you sleep , not to mention reducing inflammation and helping with your blood sugars .

And on top of all that , if you don’t have enough magnesium , vitamin d won’t work that well in your body

Magnesium deficiency causes

And on top of everything else , there are certain things that will bind up or lock up or deplete your magnesium , like sugars , refined carbohydrates and grains , certain medications , phytates , which are in all the grains , whole grains .

And oxalates too , which bind up magnesium and calcium as well .

So let’s go through the list .

Foods rich in magnesium

Almonds are high in magnesium .

All you would have to consume per day is like 5 ounces of almonds to get your required amounts .

But the problem with almonds is that they are high in oxalates .

Foods rich in magnesium spinach

The second food that has a good amount of magnesium , because it also has a lot of chlorophyll , is spinach .

The darker the green , the more the chlorophyll , the more the magnesium , and all you would need is , if you had spinach , is like 2 and a half cups of spinach to get your magnesium requirement .

But the problem with spinach , it’s also high in oxalates .

The next food is chocolate , dark chocolate .

dark chocolate .

All you have to consume is a little bit more than about 6 ounces of dark chocolate to get all your magnesium .

The problem with chocolate , it’s also high in oxalates .

What about avocados ?

Well , you’d have to have 7 cups of avocado .

You know , you cut it up and put it in cups , to get your daily amounts , and that’s that’s quite significant .

What about fish ?

Well , you’d have to consume like 14.8 ounces of fish .

That’s quite a bit .

What about beef ?

Well , you need about 4 pounds of beef .

Bok choy .

You would have to consume 20 2 cups of bok choy every day to get your magnesium .

What about zucchini ?


You’d have to have 19 cups of zucchini .

What about eggs ?

You’d have to have about 67 eggs to get your magnesium , unfortunately .

Eggs are really good for other things , but not necessarily very very high in magnesium .

What about like iceberg lettuce ?

You would have to consume 57 cups of iceberg lettuce to get your magnesium .

What about romaine lettuce ?

You would have to consume 30 cups of romaine lettuce to get your magnesium .

What about other dark leafy green lettuce type , vegetables like Swiss chard or kale ?

Those 2 are good sources .

You’d have to consume 3 to 5 cups per day to get your magnesium .

Now there’s a little secret or a little hack that you can do to consume almonds , and definitely spinach .

And other leafy greens that are high in oxalates , if you consume your spinach with a little feta cheese or other types of cheese in your lettuce , like I do every day , you can bind up oxalates with the calcium that’s in the cheese allowing the magnesium not to be bound up .

Anyway , I wanted to bring this point up because a lot of people think , oh , yeah .

I’m getting enough magnesium for my diet when in fact they’re really not .

Magnesium supplements

And this is why some people use supplements to enhance their diet because it’s a bit difficult , especially if they don’t have the right knowledge .

key Points:

Health benefits of magnesium:
• It’s essential for generating energy
• It helps reduce cramps
• It helps decrease stress
• It helps lower cortisol
• It helps support sleep
• It reduces inflammation
• It supports healthy blood sugar levels

Vitamin D also won’t work well in the body if you don’t have enough magnesium.

Consuming certain things can lead to magnesium deficiency. These things include:
• Sugar
• Refined carbohydrates
• Grains
• Certain medications
• Phytates
• Oxalates

Here are the foods high in magnesium and the amounts you would need to consume every day to get the magnesium you need:
Bananas — 11 cups
Almonds — 5 ounces
Spinach — 2 1/2 cups
Dark chocolate — 6 ounces
Avocados — 7 cups
Fish — 14.8 ounces
Beef — 4 pounds
Bok choy — 22 cups
Zucchini — 19 cups
Eggs — 67
Iceberg lettuce —57 cups
Romaine lettuce — 30 cups
Swiss chard or kale — 3 to 5 cups

  • The problems are that some foods above are high in oxalates, or consuming the amounts you would need is obviously unreasonable.
  • This is why many people choose to enhance their diet with magnesium supplements.
  • One thing you can also do is consume leafy greens with cheese. This will prevent the magnesium from being bound up.


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Why are people deficient in magnesium?

Several factors contribute to magnesium deficiency, including inadequate dietary intake, soil depletion reducing magnesium in crops, increased consumption of processed foods, and conditions that affect nutrient absorption such as gastrointestinal diseases.

Does alcohol deplete magnesium?

Yes, alcohol consumption can deplete magnesium levels. Alcohol acts as a diuretic, which not only increases fluid loss but also expedites the excretion of magnesium and other vital minerals through the urine, leading to a deficiency over time.

Why does stress cause magnesium deficiency?

Stress leads to the release of adrenaline and cortisol, which increase magnesium use by the body. Moreover, stress can trigger magnesium excretion through urine. Consequently, prolonged stress can significantly deplete magnesium levels, exacerbating the body’s stress response—a vicious cycle.

What drink is high in magnesium?

A great drink high in magnesium is natural mineral water with high magnesium content. Other beneficial drinks include homemade smoothies incorporating magnesium-rich foods like spinach, bananas, and avocados, as well as fortified plant-based milk.

11 warning signs of magnesium deficiency

  1. Muscle cramps and spasms
  2. Fatigue and weakness
  3. High blood pressure
  4. Irregular heartbeat
  5. Osteoporosis
  6. Asthma
  7. Migraines and headaches
  8. Insomnia or sleep disorders
  9. Mood disturbances and increased anxiety
  10. Constipation
  11. Numbness and tingling

Weird magnesium deficiency symptoms

Unusual symptoms of magnesium deficiency include an increased craving for salty or sweet foods, sound sensitivity, personality changes, abnormal body movements like facial tics, and a decreased tolerance for noise.

Magnesium deficiency symptoms in females

For females, symptoms of magnesium deficiency can present as severe premenstrual syndrome (PMS), menstrual cramps, hormonal imbalances linked to mood swings, anxiety, and migraines that often exacerbate around the menstrual cycle.

Can low magnesium kill you?

While a direct result of low magnesium leading to death is extremely rare, severely low levels of magnesium can result in life-threatening conditions such as arrhythmias (irregular heartbeats), which could increase the risk of complications like cardiac arrest in vulnerable individuals.

How to test for magnesium deficiency at home?

While home testing kits for magnesium are becoming more available, their accuracy versus a medical examination is debatable. The most reliable method involves a detailed evaluation by a healthcare professional, including serum magnesium tests, though some at-home tests might offer preliminary insights.

How to treat low magnesium

Treating low magnesium typically involves dietary changes and magnesium supplementation. Incorporating magnesium-rich foods into your diet (e.g., green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds) and, if necessary, taking magnesium supplements can effectively raise magnesium levels. Consulting a healthcare provider for the appropriate dosage and form is crucial.

What are the 10 signs of low magnesium

  1. Muscle aches and spasms
  2. Mental health disorders
  3. Fatigue and muscle weakness
  4. High blood pressure
  5. Irregular heartbeat
  6. Sleep issues
  7. Headaches
  8. Digestive troubles
  9. Decreased appetite
  10. Numbness

Magnesium deficiency causes

Magnesium deficiency can be caused by inadequate dietary intake, chronic health conditions affecting nutrient absorption, the use of certain medications, excessive alcohol consumption, and prolonged stress, among others.

Dr. Berg

I am a health educator specializing in weight loss through nutritional and natural methods such as the keto diet plan and intermittent fasting

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