Tea Drinkers Should Be Taking Vitamin B1

Tea Drinkers Should Be Taking Vitamin B1

If you drink a lot of tea, you may want to take vitamin B1. Making sure you have enough vitamin B1 is more important if you’re drinking a lot of black tea rather than herbal tea.  

Black tea has large amounts of tannins. A tannin is a chemical that inhibits the absorption of vitamin B1. Some kinds of tea, like green tea, are low in tannins. But, consuming a lot of black teas, like English breakfast tea and many others, can deplete you of vitamin B1 because they’re high in tannins. 

The first symptom of a vitamin B1 deficiency is nervous energy. Nutritional yeast is a fantastic source of vitamin B1.

Tea and vitamin B1

If you’re drinking a lot of tea , you should be taking vitamin b 1 .

Now I’m not necessarily talking about herb teas .

I’m talking about black tea , like Earl Grey tea , English breakfast tea , English afternoon tea , and Irish breakfast tea .

And there’s quite a few others as well .

Why does tea deplete vitamin B1? 

Because black tea has large amounts of tannins .

Okay ?

That’s a chemical that inhibits the absorption of b 1 .

And as a side note , green tea is actually low in tannins , so that’s totally fine .

But black tea is the one you have to watch out for , because if you’re consuming a lot of this tea through the day , you can end up with a b one deficiency .

The first symptom of a vitamin B1 deficiency 

The first symptom of a b one deficiency is nervous energy .

You may feel , tense .

You can’t relax , kinda edgy .

And all you need to do is just take some b one .

The best source of vitamin B1

nutritional yeast

I would highly recommend getting your b1 from nutritional yeast or some other natural source , not a synthetic b1

Other things that can deplete vitamin B1  

Now other things can also deplete you of thiamine or b1

That would be red wine , grapes , coffee , sulfides , which actually is in dry fruit , and wine , and it’s used as a preservative .

Consuming fruit that’s not ripe yet , caffeine , alcohol , and sugar , all will deplete you of vitamin b 1 .

Now probably out of all these , factors , sugar is probably at the top the list as far as depleting you of vitamin b 1 .

And as an extra point about this , caffeine also has the ability to inhibit vitamin d and iron .

Alright .

Other things that can deplete vitamin B1 (thiamine):

  • • Red wine/grapes 
  • • Coffee 
  • • Sulfites (in dry fruit and wine) 
  • • Unripe fruit 
  • • Caffeine
  • • Alcohol 
  • • Sugar 
Sugar is one of the main things that can deplete vitamin B1. Caffeine not only deletes you of vitamin B1 but also vitamin D and iron.

So I just wanted to get right to the point , give you this data , and give you a solution .


Dr. Berg

I am a health educator specializing in weight loss through nutritional and natural methods such as the keto diet plan and intermittent fasting

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