Why We Need Magnesium? The Real Reason

Why We Need Magnesium | The REAL Reason

Discover why magnesium is essential for your health. Learn about its crucial role in supporting heart health, preventing deficiency, and the best dietary sources and supplements.

The real reason we need magnesium

I’d like to talk to you about the real reason why we need magnesium .

Now most people know that magnesium is good for leg cramps .

It’s good for stress relaxation .

It’s good to help you sleep .

It has anti inflammatory properties .

So if they have sore muscles , they’ll they might take some magnesium .

They might even know that it supports healthy blood sugars and that it is one of the main electrolytes to keep the heart in rhythm , and it works with calcium to support bone and muscle physiology .

And if they’ve ever watched my video , they know it also supports ATP , the energy currency of the entire cell .

So it’s necessary in producing energy .

The real reason we need magnesium - tired

And if you don’t have magnesium , you’re gonna be tired .

But a very , very important function of magnesium is to support your arteries .

Especially the inner lining of the arteries called the endothelial layer , and magnesium is needed to produce certain compounds to keep the arteries at a certain tone .

Magnesium is a potent vasodilator , and it helps other compounds to keep the arteries soft so they don’t get so stiff .

Also , magnesium works with other compounds to inhibit platelet formation .

So this is to avoid thrombosis or a clot .

The real reason we need magnesium-heart

Now since the number one cause of death in the world is heart disease , it might be a good idea to know a little bit more about magnesium .

In fact , the FDA recently allowed a health claim for magnesium .

So this is what they allow us to claim .

Consuming diets with adequate magnesium may reduce the risk of high blood pressure , hypertension .

However , the FDA has concluded that the evidence is inconsistent and inconclusive .

Now , of course , they need to say that , because there’s so many other variables involved .

I mean , just by taking magnesium when you’re on a high carb , high sugar diet is not gonna do anything .

So it’s extremely difficult to isolate , the cause and effect relationship with nutrients , when you have so many other factors involved , especially the diet .

But the point is we know that magnesium has a huge effect on our cardiovascular system .

Potential effects of low magnesium

And we also know that if we’re severely deficient in magnesium , we get depression , apathy , severe cramps , and tetany of the muscle , which is that twitching , weakness , and even convulsions .

So that’s all really interesting .

But did you also know that 66% of the population does not even get the minimum requirements of magnesium from their diet ?

And magnesium levels have been dropping over the last 50 years , especially in the soils and then in the plant and then the animals that eat the plants .

Not to mention that 80% of magnesium is lost when you process foods .

 refined foods

And if you look at all the refined foods , you’d be lucky to find any magnesium in those foods .

Magnesium sources

So where do we get magnesium ?

Well , guess what ?

Magnesium sources plants

Magnesium is at the center of chlorophyll , and chlorophyll is that green stuff in plants .

It is responsible for something called photosynthesis , where plants take light and convert it into chemical energy as fuel , carbohydrates , as in proteins .

And in the photosynthesis process , the waste product is oxygen , which is not a waste for us .

It’s their waste , but our benefit .

But the question is how much of this chlorophyll do we actually get in our diets ?

An average person , it’s about 1 and a half cups of vegetable per day when we actually need a lot more , especially if we’re trying to get magnesium .

Now we can get magnesium from grains , but , of course , it’s they’re just too high in carbohydrate .

 leafy greens

So one of the best sources of magnesium is leafy greens , anywhere we have chlorophyll .

You can also get magnesium in meats , in nuts , in seeds , in seafood , and even berries .

But there’s not much magnesium in dairy products .

Dairy products have more calcium .

Best and worst magnesium supplements

Now if you’re deciding to take , a magnesium supplement , there are several forms that I don’t recommend .

One would be the oxide form .

Another form I don’t recommend is magnesium hydroxide , as well as magnesium carbonate and magnesium sulfate .

I don’t recommend any of those forms .

The forms that are okay would be like magnesium citrate , which is , easily absorbed .

It’s good for cramps .


It’s good for headaches .

But one of the problems if you take too much , it creates a laxative effect .

Another form , of magnesium would be magnesium threonate , which is really good , to support your brain and cognitive functions .

One of the cons of that , form is that it’s very expensive , but that one targets the brain .

Another form that I like is called magnesium bisglycinate .

Now many times people wanna know what’s the difference between magnesium glycinate versus magnesium glycinate .

Well , the answer is there is no difference .

They’re both the same .

Now the reason I like this form is that it’s very easy to absorb .

It’s good for cramping .

It’s good to help support healthy blood sugars .

It’s good for stress .

It’s good for relaxation .

It’s good to help you calm down , and it doesn’t have the laxative side effects that many other forms have .

And the amino acid that they use to , formulate this compound , glycine , has its own benefit of supporting sleep , decreasing daytime sleepiness , and making you feel really relaxed .

And if you want more information about that type of magnesium , I put a link down below .

Then we have magnesium aurotate .

This one’s really good for pro athletes .

It improves energy , but this one is also very expensive as well .

But if you’re an athlete , this one might be the one that you wanna take .

Then we have magnesium taurate .

 blood sugar issues

Magnesium taurate is really good if you have blood sugar issues , if you’re a diabetic .

That’s the one I would recommend .

And lastly , we have magnesium malate , which is really good to support fibromyalgia .

So now you know more about magnesium .

key Points:

These are some of the most commonly known benefits of magnesium:

  1. Leg cramps
  2. Relaxation & calmness
  3. Sleep
  4. Inflammation
  5. Blood sugar
  6. Electrolyte
  7. Bone health
  8. Energy (ATP)

Magnesium deficiency can have some potentially dangerous side effects, including:

  • Apathy
  • Depression
  • Convulsions
  • Cramps
  • Weakness
  • 66% of the population does not meet the minimum requirement for magnesium. Magnesium levels have dropped significantly over the last 50 years.
  • The best sources of magnesium are vegetables. The average person only consumes 1.5 cups of vegetables each day—but you need 7 to 10 cups of vegetables daily for optimal health.

Other sources of magnesium include:

  • Grains (avoid!)
  • Green vegetables
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Seafood
  • Meats
  • Berries

Avoid these forms of magnesium supplements:

  • Oxide
  • Hydroxide
  • Carbonate
  • Sulfate

Stick with these forms of magnesium:

  • Citrate (may act as a laxative)
  • Threonate
  • Bisglycinate
  • Orotate
  • Taurate
  • Malate







Why do humans need magnesium?

Magnesium is a pivotal mineral in the human body, required for over 300 biochemical reactions. It’s crucial for:

  • Energy Production: The conversion of food into energy.
  • Protein Formation: The creation of new proteins from amino acids.
  • Gene Maintenance: Repairing and creating RNA and DNA.
  • Muscle Movements: The regulation of neurotransmitters that send messages throughout the brain and nervous system.
  • Nervous System Regulation: Helping manage nerve function and easing the conduction of nerve impulses.
  • Blood Pressure Regulation: Contributing to the proper dilation of blood vessels, which affects heart health and blood pressure.

What is the reason to give magnesium?

Magnesium is given for various health reasons, primarily to address deficiencies or specific health conditions, including:

  • Magnesium Deficiency: To restore normal levels, improving overall health and preventing the adverse effects of deficiency.
  • Blood Pressure Regulation: May help lower blood pressure in people with elevated levels.
  • Bone Health: As a key component of bone health, supporting the density and strength of bones.
  • Heart Health: To prevent arrhythmias and support heart health, especially in patients with cardiovascular issues.
  • Migraine Prevention: Can reduce the frequency and intensity of migraines in some individuals.
  • Mood and Mental Health: Magnesium has a calming effect and may improve mood, alleviate anxiety, and contribute to better mental health.

Do you really need magnesium supplements?

Whether magnesium supplements are needed depends on individual health, diet, and specific conditions. While many people can achieve adequate magnesium intake through a balanced diet rich in vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains, certain situations might necessitate supplementation:

  • Dietary Restrictions: Those with restricted diets may not get enough magnesium.
  • Health Conditions: Certain conditions, such as gastrointestinal diseases, can impair magnesium absorption.
  • Increased Need: Pregnancy, breastfeeding, and certain medications may increase magnesium requirements.
    Consulting with a healthcare provider is advisable before starting magnesium supplements, especially for individuals with health conditions or those on medication.

What are the benefits of taking magnesium daily?

Regular magnesium intake, either through diet or supplements, supports numerous health functions and offers significant benefits:

  • Improved Bone Health: Supports the development of strong bones and may help prevent osteoporosis.
  • Enhanced Heart Health: Contributes to maintaining a regular heartbeat and healthy blood pressure.
  • Reduced Stress and Anxiety: Magnesium has a calming effect on the nervous system, potentially reducing stress and anxiety levels.
  • Better Sleep: Magnesium regulates neurotransmitters involved in sleep, possibly improving sleep quality.
  • Muscle Health: Important for muscle function, helping to relieve cramps and spasms.
  • Migraine Relief: Regular magnesium intake may reduce the frequency and severity of migraines.
  • Blood Sugar Control: Assists in controlling blood glucose levels, offering benefits for those with or at risk of diabetes.

Dr. Berg

I am a health educator specializing in weight loss through nutritional and natural methods such as the keto diet plan and intermittent fasting

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