The Shocking First Sign of Magnesium Deficiency

1st Sign of a Magnesium Deficiency

Identify the first signs of magnesium deficiency and learn how to address them. Discover symptoms like muscle twitching, fatigue, and more. Boost your magnesium levels for better health!

1st sign of magnesium deficiency

Let’s talk about the first symptom of a magnesium deficiency , and that is you don’t have the endurance when you start exercising .

In other words , you tire more easily when you exercise .

That’s the first symptom .

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency

There are many more as well , like your memory starts going , you start getting blood pressure issues .

Your risk for getting soft tissue calcification can occur with a magnesium deficiency .

Your sleep won’t be that great .

You might be a little more irritable .

Arrhythmias , due to the electrolytes that are needed to keep the heart in rhythm .

Cramping in the feet or the calf .

You can also have tetany , which is a little twitching here , or even a tremor .

Tremors could be a magnesium deficiency .

The importance of magnesium

The importance of magnesium

There’s over 300 enzymes that are dependent on magnesium .

65% of patients in intensive care are severely magnesium deficient .

Over half of the population does not consume enough magnesium in their diet .

Also , if you have a subclinical magnesium deficiency and you start fasting and you start feeling fatigue , we just need the electrolytes .

And this is why I always recommend electrolytes if you’re doing fasting .

80% of all alcoholics have a magnesium deficiency .

Now let’s talk about what would cause a magnesium deficiency .

What causes a magnesium deficiency?

Number 1 , you’re not eating enough your diet .

Number 2 , you’re eating the wrong foods .

Refined foods cause a deficiency of magnesium .

More stress , the more deficiency you’re gonna have .

If you’re low in vitamin D , because vitamin D stimulates the absorption of magnesium .

Plus it goes the other way around too .

You need magnesium to absorb vitamin d .

Alcohol depletes magnesium .

Having diabetes will cause a magnesium deficiency .

Diuretics can create a deficiency .

Diarrhea , antacids , antibiotics , and malabsorption all create a magnesium deficiency .

But I believe the number one cause is insulin resistance , because you need that insulin receptor to absorb magnesium , and it’s resisting .

Phytates .

Let’s say , for example , you consume beans , legumes and grains .

They have phytates that will block the absorption of magnesium .

The best source of magnesium

Now chlorophyll is the blood of the plant .

It’s green .

At the heart of chlorophyll is magnesium .

Chemistry of chlorophyll is similar to blood , but blood has iron , and that’s why it’s red .

And this is why leafy greens are , I think , important to consume in your diet , at least 6 , 7 cups per day

key points:

The first sign of a magnesium deficiency is getting tired more easily when exercising.

Aside from this symptom, you may also experience:

  • Poor memory
  • High blood pressure
  • Higher risk of soft tissue calcification
  • Poor sleep
  • Irritability
  • Arrhythmias
  • Cramps and tetany
  • Tremors
  • There are over 300 enzymes that depend on magnesium to function. 65% of patients in intensive care are magnesium deficient. It is estimated that over half of the world’s population is low on their RDAs of magnesium.
  • If you’re doing intermittent fasting and you’re low on magnesium, the negative effects can be magnified.
  • Also, keep in mind that 80% of alcoholics are magnesium deficient.

The most common causes of a magnesium deficiency are:

  • Poor diet
  • Refined foods
  • Stress
  • Low vitamin D
  • Alcohol
  • Diabetes
  • Diuretics
  • Diarrhea
  • Antacids
  • Antibiotics
  • Malabsorption
  • Phytates
  • Insulin resistance
  • I believe the #1 cause of magnesium deficiency is insulin resistance. You need the insulin receptor to absorb magnesium.
  • The best source of magnesium is leafy green vegetables. Leafy greens contain chlorophyll, and at the heart of chlorophyll is magnesium. You need at least 6-7 cups of vegetables each day.


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What is the first sign of a magnesium deficiency?

The initial signs of magnesium deficiency can often be subtle and overlooked. Common early symptoms include muscle twitches and cramps, fatigue, and irritability. As magnesium plays a crucial role in over 300 enzymatic reactions, including nervous system regulation, even slight deficiencies can impact overall well-being.

Does magnesium take effect right away?

The onset of magnesium’s effects can vary based on several factors, including the severity of the deficiency, the form of magnesium taken, and individual digestive health. Some people may start to feel an improvement in symptoms like cramps or tension within as little as a few days, while other benefits, particularly on mood and sleep, may take longer to manifest.

How do you feel when you start taking magnesium?

When you start taking magnesium supplements, you may notice a decrease in symptoms associated with magnesium deficiency. These include a reduction in muscle tension, improved sleep quality, decreased anxiety, and an overall feeling of relaxation. The changes are gradual and can subtly enhance your general sense of well-being and energy levels.

How long does it take for magnesium deficiency symptoms to go away?

The duration required for symptoms of magnesium deficiency to subside can vary. With consistent supplementation, some individuals might see an improvement in symptoms like muscle spasms and sleep disturbances within a few weeks. Complete restoration of magnesium levels, however, might take up to a month or more, depending on the extent of the deficiency and individual health factors.

How to test for magnesium deficiency at home?

While there’s no definitive at-home test for magnesium deficiency, monitoring your symptoms can be informative. Keeping track of signs such as frequent muscle cramps, fatigue, and changes in mood can provide clues. For a precise diagnosis, it’s best to consult with a healthcare provider who may recommend a blood test to assess your magnesium levels accurately.

Does vitamin D deplete magnesium?

Vitamin D does not deplete magnesium. However, vitamin D supplementation requires magnesium for activation, so high doses of vitamin D could potentially lead to lower magnesium levels if not supplemented alongside. Ensuring adequate magnesium intake is crucial when taking higher doses of vitamin D.

What blocks absorption of magnesium?

Several factors can inhibit magnesium absorption:

  • Excessive intake of caffeine, alcohol, and soda
  • High levels of dietary zinc
  • Gastrointestinal conditions like Crohn’s disease or celiac disease
  • Age-related factors leading to reduced absorption efficiency

Can magnesium cause B12 deficiency?

No direct evidence suggests that magnesium supplementation can cause vitamin B12 deficiency. Both nutrients play different roles within the body, and their absorption and metabolism are separate processes. Ensuring a balanced and varied diet can help maintain adequate levels of both.

Should I take vitamin D3 with magnesium?

Yes, taking vitamin D3 with magnesium can be beneficial. Magnesium assists in the activation of vitamin D, which, in turn, helps in calcium absorption and bone health. Supplementing these nutrients together can support their synergistic effects on bone density, mood regulation, and overall health.

Dr. Berg

I am a health educator specializing in weight loss through nutritional and natural methods such as the keto diet plan and intermittent fasting

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