Apple Cider Vinegar for Belly Fat: A Magical Recipe for Fast Results!

Apple Cider Vinegar for Belly Fat

Tired of battling stubborn belly fat? Worry no more! Today, I’m sharing the secret to a magical drink that effectively melts away belly fat and naturally boosts your metabolism. The ingredients are simple and readily available in your kitchen. Ready to discover it?

Take your weight loss to the next level

All right, so you want to lose weight? Hopefully you started the ketogenic diet and you want to take your results to the next level. Well, you’re already drinking water, might as well add a few things to take it to the next level.

  • Goal: Take weight loss to the next level
  • Starting point: Already on the ketogenic diet
  • Action: Enhance water with additional ingredients

What causes belly fat?

insulin resistance

The first thing to realize is that weight is a symptom, it’s not the problem, it’s not the cause. The underlying cause is too much insulin. A couple things about insulin that you may already know, this is just a refresher: insulin is the main fat storing hormone. In the presence of eating, a little bit of insulin, you can’t burn fat. So insulin prevents the burning of fat and when you have too much insulin, over time you develop something called insulin resistance.

  • Weight is a symptom, not the cause.
  • Root cause of weight gain: Excess insulin
  • Insulin: Main fat-storing hormone, prevents fat burning
  • Excess insulin over time leads to insulin resistance.

Now at first you might think this is a good thing because insulin resistance sounds like you’re resisting insulin, so you’ll actually lose weight. But in reality, what happens with insulin resistance is the body overcompensates and has to make a lot more insulin to penetrate this resistance. So people that have insulin resistance have a lot more insulin, okay? And that’s the problem.

And of course, you get insulin resistance by having too much insulin because your body is trying to protect you against too much of it, so it develops this barrier. But this whole thing gets worse over time unless the triggers to insulin are addressed.

  • Insulin resistance: Body overcompensates and produces even more insulin.
  • Insulin resistance develops from: Prolonged exposure to high insulin levels.
  • Cycle worsens unless insulin triggers are addressed.

You may already know this, but there’s three things that trigger insulin: carbs trigger insulin, especially the more refined the carb is like sugar. Also, eating triggers insulin. This is why frequent eating and snacks are really bad. But the third thing, which I just talked about, is having insulin resistance, okay? That is the thing that will just increase more insulin.

  • Three triggers of insulin:
    • Carbohydrates: Especially refined carbs like sugar.
    • Frequent eating: Snacks are detrimental.
    • Insulin resistance: Creates a vicious cycle.

And there’s just one more really important thing that I want to explain to you. When you have insulin resistance, which the majority of the population has, and they get on a low carb diet, they cut out carbs, eating no sugar, and then they check their blood sugars and the sugar goes higher.


Or for example, they’re a diabetic and the sugar just keeps going higher, but they’re not eating any sugar. That sugar is coming from somewhere, it’s coming from the liver.

The liver is converting other things like fat, like protein, like ketones into sugar. This is called gluconeogenesis.

And so the worst insulin resistance that you had going into this, the more you might find your blood sugars are still a bit high for a while. All you have to do is continue this program, push through it, do what I’m going to tell you next, and over time that blood sugar will come down. But that extra sugar in your blood is not coming from your diet, it’s coming from your liver making this other conversion.

  • Persistence with the program is key for blood sugar regulation.
  • Elevated blood sugar originates from the liver, not diet, in this case.

Should probably just mention one thing too. If someone is overweight or they’re a diabetic or they have insulin resistance, there’s going to be this, it’s called a basal insulin level, like an underlying level of insulin that your body is operating off of just to keep things in check that has nothing to do with what you’re eating or whatever. But there’s just going to be higher amounts of insulin flowing through your blood if you are overweight or you’re diabetic or you have insulin resistance.

  • Basal insulin level: Underlying insulin level for bodily functions.
  • Overweight, diabetic, or insulin resistant individuals have higher basal insulin levels.

So I just want to bring that up because some people expect the same weight loss as their spouse, but maybe their spouse doesn’t have insulin resistance as bad. So because your basal or basic insulin levels are just higher than they should be because of years of insulin resistance, it’s going to be a little bit tougher to lose weight initially compared to someone else who just doesn’t have that level of insulin flowing through their bloodstream.

  • Weight loss may be slower for those with higher basal insulin levels.

The whole goal of this topic is to hyper focus on fixing this insulin resistance problem so you can lose the most weight possible in the shortest amount of time.

intermittent fasting

So we want to compound things, we want to get you on a healthy version of the ketogenic diet, we want you to do intermittent fasting, but with your fluids you can add just a few things just to take it to the next level. So we’re talking about three things: lemon, apple cider vinegar, and cinnamon.

Now if you were to add just two, maybe three of these drinks per day, you would see significant improvements in your program. And I’m talking about weight loss because you’re addressing this insulin issue. And even if you’re not perfect on the diet, this will actually improve things greatly.

How to lose belly fat fast with this weight loss drink

Apple Cider Vinegar
Why Take Apple Cider Vinegar Before Bed

All right, so let’s first talk about apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar has something called acetic acid. Acetic acid is a potent blood sugar lowering compound, okay? It will help make insulin more sensitive and less resistant. It will help lower your blood sugars even if you eat some carbs, believe it or not. And there’s some interesting studies which I’ll put down below, okay?

  • Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid.
  • Acetic acid:
    • Lowers blood sugar
    • Improves insulin sensitivity
    • Studies available
lemon juice

And then we get this lemon, right? You can do either lemon juice or a whole lemon. You can either blend the whole lemon in the blender, it takes a little bit more when you’re cleaning things out, but eating the whole lemon gives you some additional benefits if you have time. But if you don’t have time, just get some lemon lemon juice and use that.

  • Lemon options:
    • Lemon juice
    • Whole lemon (blended) – offers additional benefits

So in lemon juice you have various things. You have citric acid, you have phytonutrients, you’ll have vitamin C if you juice the fresh lemon or blend the whole lemon. Lemon juice that’s contained in a glass jar is usually pasteurized, it’s not raw. And because vitamin C is sensitive to oxygen and heat, it’s pretty much going to destroy that vitamin C. But there are other benefits of vitamin C, especially as you’re trying to lose weight. But the phytonutrients in lemon juice make insulin more sensitive and they make insulin less resistant.

  • Lemon juice contains:
    • Citric acid
    • Phytonutrients
    • Vitamin C (if fresh squeezed or blended)
  • Pasteurized lemon juice lacks vitamin C.
  • Phytonutrients in lemon juice improve insulin sensitivity.

Now the third component, and this is an extra thing, okay? Cinnamon. And you just put a pinch of the cinnamon into this mixture. Cinnamon is one of those things that has a potent effect on making insulin more sensitive and helping your blood sugars be more regulated.

And one study they took 543 diabetics and they tested this cinnamon and the average person dropped their blood sugars by 24 points, which is very significant.

  • Cinnamon:
    • Improves insulin sensitivity
    • Regulates blood sugar
    • Study: Diabetics experienced a 24-point drop in blood sugar.

So if you can just add a few things to the liquid that you’re already drinking, it’s a no-brainer. And we’re using a Compound Effect. We’re adding several things.

Actually we’re adding intermittent fasting, keto, lemon juice, we’re adding cinnamon and apple cider vinegar. All of these things are going to contribute and speed things up so you can really get to your goal a lot faster.

Now the other cool thing about these three things is that they all tend to help reduce fat on your liver. Like I said, they reduce insulin, they have blood sugars, they also help regulate your cholesterol, they help your liver make more bile which has some benefits in itself.

kidney stones

Lemon water also has citrates to decrease your risk of getting kidney stones. And all three are very anti-inflammatory. And too much inflammation in the body can actually create a situation where you have insulin resistance. So inflammation can also trigger insulin resistance.

  • Additional benefits of lemon, apple cider vinegar, and cinnamon:
  • Inflammation can contribute to insulin resistance.

How to make a weight loss drink

All right, so here are the instructions, very very simple. You can do this two or three times a day. You want to use 16 ounces of water. You’re going to add either an ounce of lemon juice or a whole lemon. You can either blend the whole lemon or just squeeze the lemon juice from one lemon into the water.

How to make a weight loss drink
Why Should You Use Apple Cider Vinegar For Diabetes?

Then add one to two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. I don’t recommend Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar, I recommend Fairchild’s because that is the source behind Bragg’s and they don’t dilute it.

And I’m not affiliated, I don’t get any kickbacks, but that’s a really superior apple cider vinegar. It comes with the mother, it’s organic, and it’s concentrated. If you look at the ingredients in Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar, they add water. So basically they dilute it.

  • Drink recipe (2-3 times daily):
    • 16 ounces of water
    • 1 ounce lemon juice or 1 whole lemon (blended or squeezed)
    • 1-2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar (Fairchild’s recommended)

Then take your cinnamon and just put a pinch into this container. You can either shake it up or blend it. And so some people that drink this might not like the taste, okay? It might be too bitter.

So you might want to add a few drops liquid Stevia. If you don’t know what that is, it’s an extract from a plant that’s sweet without the sugar. And you just need a few drops and it’ll just taste just like lemonade. Or some people use my electrolyte powder, one scoop, and that way you get some electrolytes with the sweetener which is Stevia.

  • Add a pinch of cinnamon.
  • Optional additions for taste:
    • A few drops of liquid Stevia
    • 1 scoop electrolyte powder

So after you mix this up, I would recommend drinking this before your meals. Now if you’re just doing one meal a day, first and second one are going to be an empty stomach and the third one will be right before a meal.

  • Consume before meals.
  • For one meal a day:
    • Drink 1-2 on an empty stomach.
    • Drink 1 before the meal.

Learn how to do keto!

Now the next most important thing to understand is how to do a ketogenic diet, okay? Step by step. And I put that article up right here, check it out


The first thing to understand is that weight is a symptom. The underlying cause of belly fat is high insulin—insulin prevents fat-burning.

  • Carbs, frequent eating, and insulin resistance increase insulin. Insulin resistance is caused by high insulin which then continues to increase insulin levels.
  • Let’s say you have insulin resistance and go on keto, but you notice your blood sugar levels haven’t gone down. This happens because your liver is making sugar from fat, protein, and ketones.
  • The worse your insulin resistance is when you start keto, the longer it may take for your blood sugar levels to come down. Continue with keto and fasting, and give this weight loss drink a try, and your blood sugar levels should go down.

Make this simple drink to start losing weight fast.

• 16 oz water
• 1 oz lemon juice or 1 blended lemon
• 1 to 2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar (Fairchild’s brand)
• 1 pinch cinnamon
• A few drops stevia or 1 scoop electrolyte powder (optional)

Either shake or blend all of the ingredients. Have this drink 2 to 3 times per day (before a meal when possible).



Can apple cider vinegar burn belly fat?

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) may help reduce belly fat when consumed as part of a healthy diet and exercise regimen. The acetic acid in ACV has been shown to suppress fat accumulation and increase fat burning in animal studies[1][4].

However, human studies are limited and more research is needed to confirm its effectiveness for belly fat reduction.

How do I take apple cider vinegar for flat tummy?

To use ACV for a flatter tummy, mix 1-2 tablespoons (15-30 mL) with water and drink it before meals[1][2]. Some people prefer to spread the dose out over the day.

ACV is very acidic, so always dilute it and never consume it undiluted as it may damage tooth enamel or the esophagus[2]. Pair ACV with a calorie-controlled diet and regular exercise for best results.

How to lose belly fat in 2 weeks?

Losing a significant amount of belly fat in just 2 weeks is not realistic or healthy. A more sustainable approach is to aim for 1-2 lbs of fat loss per week by creating a moderate calorie deficit through diet and exercise[3].

Focus on reducing refined carbs, added sugars, and processed foods while increasing protein, fiber, and healthy fats[3]. Engage in regular aerobic exercise like brisk walking, jogging, or swimming to burn calories and target belly fat[3].

What are the 5 foods that burn belly fat?

Five foods that may help burn belly fat include:

  1. Foods high in soluble fiber like fruits, vegetables, and legumes[3]
  2. Lean proteins such as fish, poultry, eggs, and dairy[3]
  3. Fatty fish rich in omega-3s like salmon and tuna[3]
  4. Probiotic-rich foods such as yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi[3]
  5. Green tea[3]

While no single food can “burn” belly fat, incorporating these nutrient-dense options into a balanced diet may help reduce overall body fat levels.

How to drink apple cider vinegar for weight loss in 1 week

Drinking ACV for weight loss requires consistency over a longer period of time, not just 1 week. To use ACV for weight loss:

  • Mix 1-2 tablespoons (15-30 mL) with 8 oz of water or tea[1][2]
  • Drink this mixture 1-3 times per day, preferably before meals[1][2]
  • Consume ACV as part of an overall healthy, calorie-controlled diet and exercise plan[1][3]
  • Be patient and consistent – significant weight loss takes time[3]

Avoid drinking undiluted ACV or consuming more than 2 tablespoons per day as it may cause side effects like nausea or tooth enamel erosion[2].

How to use apple cider vinegar for belly fat

To use ACV to target belly fat:

  1. Mix 1-2 tablespoons (15-30 mL) with 8 oz of water or tea[1][2]
  2. Drink this mixture 1-3 times per day, preferably before meals[1][2]
  3. Combine ACV with a calorie-controlled diet low in refined carbs and added sugars[3]
  4. Engage in regular aerobic exercise like brisk walking, jogging, or swimming[3]
  5. Be patient and consistent – significant fat loss takes time[3]

ACV may help reduce belly fat by increasing feelings of fullness and reducing appetite[4]. However, more research is needed to confirm its effectiveness. Pair ACV with healthy lifestyle changes for best results.

Apple cider vinegar for belly fat results

While some studies suggest ACV may modestly reduce belly fat when combined with a calorie-restricted diet, results are mixed[1][2]. A 2018 study found that people who consumed 1-2 tablespoons of ACV daily while following a reduced-calorie diet lost slightly more weight and body fat compared to those who didn’t consume ACV[1]. However, the study was small, short-term, and not blinded.

Other research has found no significant difference in belly fat reduction between ACV and placebo groups[2]. More large-scale, long-term studies are needed to determine the true effects of ACV on belly fat. Consistency and patience are key – significant fat loss takes time and requires a balanced diet and regular exercise in addition to ACV[3].

7-day apple cider vinegar diet

There is no evidence that a 7-day “apple cider vinegar diet” leads to sustainable weight or fat loss. Rapid weight loss diets are not recommended as they are difficult to maintain and can be unhealthy.

A more effective approach is to incorporate ACV into an overall healthy, balanced diet and exercise plan. Consume 1-2 tablespoons (15-30 mL) of ACV diluted in water or tea 1-3 times per day, preferably before meals[1][2]. Pair this with a calorie-controlled diet low in refined carbs and added sugars, and regular aerobic exercise[3]. Be patient and consistent – significant fat loss takes time and requires lifestyle changes.

Which apple cider vinegar is good for weight loss

When choosing an ACV for weight loss, look for raw, unfiltered varieties that contain “the mother” – strands of proteins, enzymes and friendly bacteria that give the vinegar a cloudy appearance[5]. Avoid distilled or clear ACVs as they have been processed and filtered, removing many of the beneficial compounds.

Some popular ACV brands for weight loss include Bragg, Heinz, and Spectrum Naturals. Always dilute ACV with water or tea before drinking to avoid tooth enamel erosion and esophageal irritation[2]. Consuming undiluted ACV can also cause nausea and throat irritation[2].

Apple cider vinegar for belly fat before and after

While some people report seeing reductions in belly fat after adding ACV to their diet, the results are highly variable and not guaranteed. A 2018 study found that people who consumed 1-2 tablespoons of ACV daily while following a reduced-calorie diet lost slightly more weight and body fat compared to those who didn’t consume ACV[1]. However, the study was small, short-term, and not blinded.

Other research has found no significant difference in belly fat reduction between ACV and placebo groups[2]. Factors like genetics, age, gender, diet, and exercise habits can all influence belly fat levels and weight loss results[3].

To maximize your chances of seeing results, use ACV consistently as part of an overall healthy lifestyle. Consume 1-2 tablespoons diluted in water or tea 1-3 times per day, pair with a calorie-controlled diet low in refined carbs and added sugars, and engage in regular aerobic exercise[1][2][3]. Be patient and consistent – significant fat loss takes time and requires lifestyle changes.

30 day apple cider vinegar weight loss

While some people report losing weight after using ACV for 30 days, the results are highly variable. A 2018 study found that people who consumed 1-2 tablespoons of ACV daily while following a reduced-calorie diet lost slightly more weight and body fat compared to those who didn’t consume ACV over 12 weeks[1]. However, the study was small and not blinded.

To maximize your chances of seeing results from a 30-day ACV regimen:

  1. Consume 1-2 tablespoons (15-30 mL) of ACV diluted in water or tea 1-3 times per day, preferably before meals[1][2]
  2. Follow a calorie-controlled diet low in refined carbs and added sugars[3]
  3. Engage in regular aerobic exercise like brisk walking, jogging, or swimming[3]
  4. Be patient and consistent – significant fat loss takes time and requires lifestyle changes[3]

Remember that ACV is not a magic weight loss solution. Consistency and patience are key, and ACV should be used as part of an overall healthy diet and exercise plan. Significant fat loss takes time and requires lifestyle changes[3].

Apple cider vinegar benefits

In addition to potential weight loss benefits, ACV may offer other health advantages:

  • May help lower cholesterol levels[5]
  • May help lower blood sugar levels, especially after meals[5]
  • Has antibacterial and antifungal properties[4]
  • May help soothe sore throats[4]
  • May help reduce acid reflux symptoms[4]

Dr. Berg

I am a health educator specializing in weight loss through nutritional and natural methods such as the keto diet plan and intermittent fasting

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