Could This Magnesium Deficiency Give You Diabetes .?

Could This Magnesium Mineral Deficiency Give You Diabetes .?

Explore the link between magnesium deficiency and diabetes. Learn how low magnesium Deficiency Give You Diabetes can affect insulin resistance and blood sugar control, and discover the benefits of magnesium-rich foods and supplements.

Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body, playing a critical role in over 300 biochemical reactions, including those involved in insulin and glucose metabolism. Recent studies suggest a potential link between magnesium deficiency and the development of diabetes. Diabetics, prediabetics, and individuals with insulin resistance often have lower magnesium levels, which can exacerbate insulin resistance and hinder blood sugar control. In this article, Dr. Berg explores how addressing magnesium deficiency through diet and supplementation can improve insulin sensitivity and support diabetes management. Discover the importance of magnesium and how it can impact your health.

Magnesium deficiency and diabetes

Could this mineral deficiency actually give you diabetes ?

And I’m talking about magnesium .

Magnesium is the 4th most abundant mineral in the entire body .

It works as a helper nutrient in certain enzyme reactions .

It’s involved in over 300 chemical reactions including its effect on insulin .

So it helps to regulate insulin .

It’s involved in glucose metabolism .

I want to put an interesting study down below related to diabetics .

And it was found that diabetics have significantly lower magnesium levels than healthy people .

Magnesium and Insulin Resistance

And I’m also talking about prediabetics and people with insulin resistance .

 insulin resistance . Magnesium Deficiency Give You Diabetes .?

When you’re deficient in magnesium , you worsen insulin resistance .

When you take magnesium , you improve insulin resistance .

That allows better blood sugar control and all the other effects that insulin is supposed to have .

Now the RDAs are recommended amounts of magnesium that we need per day for a male body is between 400 to 420 milligrams .

For a female , it’s in the 300 .

Food is High in Magnesium .

Food is High in Magnesium .

So let’s talk about what food is high in magnesium .

Well , chocolate .

One ounce has 64 milligrams .

One avocado will give you 58 milligrams .

Nuts , 1 ounce , 82 milligrams .

Seeds , just one ounce will give you a 150 milligrams of magnesium .

And by the way , pumpkin seeds have the most magnesium .

Leafy greens , 1 cup , a 157 milligrams .

So if you had , I don’t know , like maybe 2 and a half to 3 cups of salad per day , you’re gonna get your magnesium .

Very few people even have that much .

One egg has 6 milligrams of magnesium .

One ounce of meat or fish has only 9 milligrams of magnesium .

Steak , 6 ounces has only 32 .

So all the meats in general are not high in magnesium .

Hummus , 1 cup is a 184 milligrams of magnesium .

And magnesium also works with calcium together in the contraction and relaxation of muscles .

And I’m also including smooth muscle like in your arteries .

So if you’re deficient in magnesium , guess what’s gonna happen ?

Blood pressure is gonna go up .

And this is why people take magnesium for their blood pressure , for their heart , for cramps in their calves .

How Magnesium Deficiency Give You Diabetes .?

Magnesium Deficiency Give You Diabetes .?

Now the question is how do you become deficient ?

Number 1 , you’re probably not consuming enough food with magnesium .

Magnesium is part of the chlorophyll complex .

So a very few people are consuming enough greens , number 1 .

They’re doing too many refined carbs .

A refined carbohydrate and I’m talking about the breads , pasta , cereal , crackers and also the refined sugars will deplete magnesium .

Caffeine will deplete magnesium .

Alcohol will deplete it . Diuretics .

There’s a diuretic called thiazide .

Thiazide creates a magnesium deficiency and when someone’s on this diuretic , their risk of diabetes increases probably because of the deficiency of magnesium .

And what’s interesting is that a lot of diabetics have high blood pressure .

They’re taking this diuretic thiazide , okay , which is actually worsening the diabetes .

And they don’t know about this magnesium point here .

Also , when you have insulin resistance , which I believe the majority of population has , you’re gonna have a hard time absorbing magnesium .

So what you need to know is that when you take magnesium in a supplement or through your food , you actually can improve insulin resistance right here and therefore increasing your absorption of magnesium

So they both work really closely together .

Now you know the connection between magnesium , your blood sugars , magnesium and blood pressure , and also cramping .

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key points:

  • People with diabetes have been significantly found to have lower magnesium than healthy people. When you are deficient in magnesium, you worsen insulin resistance, and when you take magnesium, it will improve insulin resistance that allows for better blood sugar control and all other effects that insulin is supposed to have.
  • The recommended amount of magnesium you need for a day is 400-420 mg (for male bodies) and for females, it is around 300. Magnesium works with calcium for the contraction and relaxation of the muscles.

Foods With High Magnesium

  • Chocolate
  • Avocado
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Leafy Greens
  • Egg
  • Meat/Fish
  • Hummus
  • Steak

How do you become deficient?

  • Not consuming leafy greens
  • Consuming too many refined carbs / sugars
  • Caffeine
  • Alcohol
  • Diuretics
  • Insulin resistance
  • Low diet

The Importance of Magnesium

Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body, crucial for over 300 chemical reactions. It plays a vital role in regulating insulin, glucose metabolism, and blood sugar control. Studies show that diabetics often have significantly lower magnesium levels than healthy individuals.

Magnesium and Insulin Resistance

Magnesium deficiency worsens insulin resistance, a condition where your body doesn’t respond to insulin effectively, leading to elevated blood sugar levels. Conversely, adequate magnesium intake can improve insulin sensitivity, enhancing blood sugar control.

Daily Magnesium Requirements and Food Sources

The recommended daily magnesium intake is around 400-420 milligrams for men and 300 milligrams for women. Rich sources of magnesium include:

  • Chocolate: One ounce contains 64 mg.
  • Avocado: One avocado provides 58 mg.
  • Nuts: One ounce offers 82 mg, with pumpkin seeds being particularly rich.
  • Seeds: One ounce contains 150 mg.
  • Leafy greens: One cup provides 157 mg.
  • Hummus: One cup contains 184 mg.

Magnesium’s Role in Muscle Function and Blood Pressure

Magnesium works with calcium to regulate muscle contractions and relaxation, including the smooth muscles in your arteries. Magnesium deficiency can lead to increased blood pressure, highlighting the mineral’s importance for cardiovascular health.

Causes of Magnesium Deficiency

Several factors can contribute to magnesium deficiency:

  • Inadequate Dietary Intake: Consuming insufficient magnesium-rich foods like leafy greens.
  • Refined Carbohydrates and Sugars: These foods deplete magnesium levels.
  • Caffeine and Alcohol: Both substances can deplete magnesium.
  • Diuretics: Certain diuretics, like thiazide, can lead to magnesium loss, potentially increasing diabetes risk.
  • Insulin Resistance: The condition itself can hinder magnesium absorption.

The Magnesium-Insulin Resistance Cycle

Insulin resistance can make it difficult to absorb magnesium effectively. Supplementing with magnesium or increasing dietary intake can improve insulin resistance, thereby improving magnesium absorption and creating a positive feedback loop.

Conclusion: Magnesium for Blood Sugar and Overall Health

Adequate magnesium is vital for blood sugar regulation, insulin sensitivity, blood pressure control, and muscle function. Ensuring sufficient intake through diet or supplementation can significantly impact your overall health and well-being.

Magnesium and Diabetes: FAQs

Can lack of magnesium cause diabetes?

While magnesium deficiency alone doesn’t directly cause diabetes, research suggests a strong link between low magnesium levels and an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Magnesium plays a vital role in regulating blood sugar and insulin sensitivity, so a deficiency may contribute to insulin resistance, a key factor in type 2 diabetes development.

Which mineral deficiency causes diabetes?

No single mineral deficiency directly causes diabetes. However, deficiencies in certain minerals, like magnesium and chromium, are associated with impaired blood sugar control and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes.

Can magnesium make your blood sugar drop?

Magnesium itself doesn’t directly lower blood sugar like insulin. However, it supports healthy blood sugar regulation. Some studies suggest magnesium may improve insulin sensitivity, helping your body use insulin more effectively to move glucose from your blood into cells for energy.

Does low magnesium lead to insulin resistance?

Yes, low magnesium levels are linked to insulin resistance. Magnesium is a cofactor for enzymes involved in insulin signaling and glucose uptake. When magnesium is low, these processes can become less efficient, potentially leading to insulin resistance.

Which magnesium is good for diabetes?

Several forms of magnesium supplements are considered beneficial for blood sugar control and potentially helpful for those with diabetes. Always consult your doctor before starting any new supplements:

  • Magnesium glycinate: Generally well-tolerated and may improve insulin sensitivity.
  • Magnesium taurate: Shows promise in improving insulin sensitivity and blood sugar control.
  • Magnesium citrate: A highly bioavailable form.

Magnesium and Diabetes Type 2

Research suggests that magnesium supplementation may improve insulin sensitivity and blood sugar management in people with type 2 diabetes. However, more research is needed. Always consult your doctor before using magnesium for diabetes management.

Magnesium and Diabetes Type 1

The role of magnesium in type 1 diabetes is less clear, and more research is needed. Some studies suggest individuals with type 1 diabetes may have lower magnesium levels, but it’s not clear whether supplementation provides significant benefits. Consult your doctor for personalized guidance.

How much magnesium should a diabetic take daily?

The optimal magnesium intake for individuals with diabetes varies based on factors like age, gender, and overall health. It’s crucial to consult with your doctor or a registered dietitian to determine the appropriate dosage for you.

Can diabetics take magnesium glycinate?

Magnesium glycinate is generally considered safe for most people, including those with diabetes. However, it’s essential to talk to your doctor before taking any supplements, as they can interact with certain medications or have varying effects based on individual health conditions.

Which magnesium is best for insulin resistance?

Magnesium glycinate, magnesium taurate, and magnesium citrate are among the forms often recommended for insulin resistance. They are generally well-absorbed and have shown potential benefits in studies. However, always consult with your healthcare provider to determine the best form and dosage for you.

Can magnesium affect blood sugar?

Magnesium plays a role in regulating blood sugar levels, but it doesn’t directly lower them like insulin. By improving insulin sensitivity, it helps your body use insulin more efficiently to control blood sugar.

Magnesium and Diabetes: A Review

Numerous studies investigate the relationship between magnesium and diabetes. Research suggests that adequate magnesium intake is vital for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels and that supplementation might benefit those with insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes. However, more research is needed to confirm these findings. Always consult your doctor before making changes to your diet or supplement regimen.

Dr. Berg

I am a health educator specializing in weight loss through nutritional and natural methods such as the keto diet plan and intermittent fasting

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