The REAL Reason to Drink Lemon Water Every Day

The REAL Reason to Drink Lemon Water Every Day

Benefits of Drink Lemon Water Every Day:

1. Reduces Fatty Liver

Phytonutrients in lemon water can dissolve fat in the liver, improving hepatic steatosis (fatty liver).

2. Reduces High Cholesterol

Helps increase bile flow, removing excess cholesterol from a sluggish liver and gallbladder system.

3. Aids Weight Loss

Indirectly assists weight loss by lowering blood sugar and insulin levels, enabling fat cells to shrink.

4. Anti-Aging Effects

Studies in animals showed increased lifespan and extended life of the microbiome (friendly bacteria).

5. Potential Anti-Cancer Effects

In test tube studies, certain phytonutrients in lemon water showed ability to kill malignant cancer cells in tongue, lung, and colon.

6. Reduces Kidney Stones

Citrate in lemon juice binds with oxalates, preventing the formation of calcium oxalate kidney stones.

7. Source of Vitamin C

Fresh lemon juice provides vitamin C, beneficial for immune system, gum health, and preventing spider veins.

8. Rich in Phytonutrients

Offers benefits for hemorrhoids, leg sores, circulation, and has antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal properties.

How to Consume Lemon Water:

So let’s dive into the details…

The Real Reason to Drink Lemon Water Every Day

Let’s talk about the real reason why you should be drinking lemon water every single day. The average person does not know the true benefits – okay with an s – of drinking lemon water because it’s actually quite amazing. So let’s cover all of the key points.

Benefit #1 – Reduces a Fatty Liver

Fatty Liver

Number one, by drinking lemon water on a regular basis you have the potential to reduce a fatty liver. Now this is the phytonutrients in the lemon water that have the ability to greatly improve something called hepatic steatosis. Now what does hepatic mean? Liver.

What does steatosis mean? That means the infiltration of fat into the liver. So hepatic steatosis means a fatty liver.

  • Lemon water can help reduce a fatty liver due to its phytonutrients.
  • Phytonutrients improve hepatic steatosis, which is the medical term for a fatty liver.
SteatosisInfiltration of fat into the liver
Hepatic SteatosisFatty Liver

How Lemon Water Reduces Fatty Liver: Bile Salts, Choline, and the Ketogenic Diet

The REAL Reason to Drink Lemon Water Every Day

Lemon water has the ability to dissolve the fat in the liver. There’s other things as well like purify bile salts, choline, a low-fat diet as in ketogenic diet can reduce up to 50% of the fat in your liver within 14 days. But if you add a little lemon to your water you can actually speed things up.

  • Lemon water helps dissolve fat in the liver.
  • Other factors that contribute to a healthy liver include bile salts, choline, and a ketogenic diet.
  • A ketogenic diet can reduce liver fat by up to 50% in two weeks.
Lemon WaterDissolves fat in the liver
Bile SaltsPurify the liver
CholineSupports liver function
Ketogenic DietReduces liver fat significantly

Benefit #2 – Reduces High Cholesterol


All right number two, it can help reduce cholesterol. Not that cholesterol is a bad thing but let’s say your liver is sluggish and your gallbladder’s sluggish and you’re not producing enough bile and that’s kind of backing up in the system.

Lemon water can help increase the flow of bile through the bile ducts and help remove some of the excess cholesterol that’s kind of backing up in the system.

  • Lemon water can help reduce high cholesterol by improving bile flow.
  • Improved bile flow helps remove excess cholesterol.

Benefit #3 – Helps with Weight Loss

All right number three, weight loss. Now lemon water does not directly help you lose weight. It can indirectly help you lose weight. Now quite a few studies on animals have shown this but I want to help you understand the mechanism.

Weight Loss with Lemon Water: Insulin Resistance and Blood Sugar


Certain phytonutrients in lemon water stimulate significantly lower blood sugars. They reduce insulin resistance so they lower insulin and that is the reason why someone can lose weight.

In fact if you really want to know how to lose weight what I would do is not try to research how to lose weight I would research on how to lower insulin because anything that lowers insulin is going to help you lose weight.

In fact, the fat cells cannot shrink. It’s impossible for a fat cell to shrink without lowering insulin despite your calories.

  • Phytonutrients in lemon water lower blood sugar and insulin resistance, leading to weight loss.
  • Lowering insulin levels is crucial for weight loss.
  • Fat cells cannot shrink without lowering insulin levels, regardless of calorie intake.
  • Focus on lowering insulin levels for effective weight loss.

Benefit #4 – Has Anti-Aging Effects

All right number four, lemon has an anti-aging effect. Now yes the studies were done in animals but most studies do start in animals and then you progress to humans.

But in the five-week study they lived it on average three weeks longer. Now you might be saying well that’s not a long time but that’s only five weeks.

Think about if you started drinking lemon water on a regular basis for the rest of your life it could add up. And they also found that lemon water extended the life of the microbiome, your friendly bacteria which is pretty interesting.

  • Lemon has potential anti-aging properties based on animal studies.
  • Lemon water may extend lifespan and promote gut health (microbiome).
  • Consider the long-term benefits of regular lemon water consumption.

Benefit #5 – Has Anticancer Effects


All right number five, anticancer effects. Now I’m not telling you that lemon water is going to cure your cancer. I’m not saying that but it’s something you can add to help inhibit cancer.

In test tube studies it was found that certain phytonutrients in lemon water were able to kill malignant cancer of the tongue, of the lung, and the colon.

  • Lemon water may have anticancer properties.
  • Phytonutrients in lemon water have shown to kill cancer cells in test-tube studies.
  • More research is needed to confirm the anticancer effects of lemon water in humans.

Benefit #6 – Reduces Kidney Stones

kidney stones

All right number six and this is an important one, the reduction of kidney stones. Citrate in lemon juice binds with this thing called oxalate. Now the most common type of kidney stone are oxalate stones, calcium oxalate stones. And so if you have citrate in your body it can bind with the oxalates to prevent the stone from occurring.

  • Lemon water can help reduce kidney stones.
  • Citrate in lemon juice binds with oxalate, preventing kidney stone formation.
  • Oxalate stones are the most common type of kidney stone.

How Lemon Juice Prevents Kidney Stones: Citrate and Oxalate

And so people that have a tendency to have kidney stones are usually low in citrates. And if you’re prone to kidney stones I would recommend increasing the amount of lemon juice to roughly about a half of a cup to a cup of lemon juice every single day.

  • Individuals prone to kidney stones often have low citrate levels.
  • Increasing lemon juice intake can help prevent kidney stones.
  • Consider increasing lemon juice intake if you are prone to kidney stones.

Benefit #7 – Contains Vitamin C


Now number seven it can potentially give you vitamin C but only if it’s from actual lemons that have not been heated like in your lemon juice that you would get in a bottle.

So when you buy lemon juice at the store it normally comes pasteurized and the problem with vitamin C is that it’s sensitive to heat. It gets degraded and destroyed with heat. So when you get bottled lemon juice you’re really getting next to zero vitamin C.

Vitamin C Content in Fresh Lemons: Immune System and Collagen

immune system

But if you get your vitamin C from an actual lemon let’s say you just take a lemon and you squeeze it into water, one lemon can provide up to half of your daily recommended vitamin C or should I say like almost half. So it gives you about 31 milligrams when you need like 70 to 75 per day.

And vitamin C is so good for the immune system, it’s good to prevent bleeding gums, it’s good to prevent spider veins, it helps form collagen, it helps keep your arteries from becoming damaged and many other things.

  • One lemon provides approximately half the daily recommended intake of vitamin C.
  • Vitamin C has numerous health benefits, including immune support, collagen production, and prevention of gum disease and spider veins.
  • Consume fresh lemon juice to boost your vitamin C intake.
Vitamin C SourceAmountBenefits
Fresh lemon~31mg per lemonImmune system boost, gum health, vein health, collagen formation, artery protection
Bottled lemon juiceNearly zeroMinimal benefits due to heat degradation

Benefit #8 – Supplies Phytonutrients

Okay the last benefit of lemon water is in its phytonutrients and there’s quite a few. And in these three phytonutrients there’s benefit in improving hemorrhoids, leg sores, circulation, spider veins and varicose veins.

In fact one of the phytonutrients, narenjian, is being tested as a potential treatment for Alzheimer’s disease. It’s also very antibacterial, it has antiviral properties as well as anti-fungal properties.

Phytonutrient Benefits:

  • Improves hemorrhoids
  • Helps with leg sores
  • Enhances circulation
  • Reduces spider veins and varicose veins
  • Potential Alzheimer’s treatment (narenjian)
  • Antibacterial properties
  • Antiviral properties
  • Anti-fungal properties

Key Takeaways: Incorporate Lemon Water into Your Daily Routine

So start putting lemon in your water on a regular basis definitely add it with the apple cider vinegar in your water.

I would recommend the amount of lemon juice from the whole lemon or just a couple teaspoons but be consistent and include it in part of your liquids on a regular basis.

Now if you haven’t seen my topic on apple cider vinegar that’s the next one you should watch check it out right here.

  • Regularly consume lemon water for optimal health benefits.
  • Consider adding apple cider vinegar to your water as well.
  • Be consistent with your lemon water intake.


Aside from tasting great and refreshing the body, lemon water has some incredible health benefits—especially when paired with Healthy Keto and intermittent fasting.

Take a look at these eight benefits of drinking lemon water every day:

  1. Potentially helps reduce liver fat
  2. Reduces high cholesterol
  3. Helps with weight loss
  4. Has anti-aging effects
  5. Has anticancer effects
  6. Reduces kidney stones
  7. Contains vitamin C
  8. Supplies phytonutrients

As you can see, having lemon water every day can have some incredible benefits. For additional benefits, you can also add a couple of tables spoons of apple cider vinegar.

Lemon water is great to have while you’re on a Healthy Keto and intermittent fasting plan.



Are there real benefits to drinking lemon water?

Yes, there are several scientifically-backed benefits to drinking lemon water:

  • Rich in Vitamin C, boosting immune system
  • Aids digestion and supports liver function
  • Promotes hydration
  • May assist in weight management
  • Potential to improve skin health
  • Helps prevent kidney stones

Regular consumption of lemon water can contribute to overall health and wellbeing when part of a balanced diet.

What happens when you drink lemon water for 7 days for skin?

Drinking lemon water for 7 days may have positive effects on your skin:

  • Increased hydration, potentially leading to a more radiant complexion
  • Vitamin C boost, supporting collagen production
  • Antioxidant properties may help combat free radicals
  • Potential reduction in acne due to detoxifying effects
  • Improved overall skin texture and tone

However, individual results may vary, and it’s important to maintain a consistent skincare routine alongside healthy hydration habits.

How much lemon water should I drink daily?

The ideal amount of lemon water can vary based on individual needs:

  • Start with juice from 1/2 to 1 lemon in 8 ounces of water
  • Gradually increase to 2-3 glasses per day
  • For kidney stone prevention, aim for 1/2 to 1 cup of lemon juice daily
  • Stay within 2-3 cups per day to avoid potential side effects

Always consult with a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your diet or fluid intake.

Does the 14 day lemon water diet work?

The effectiveness of a 14-day lemon water diet is debatable:

  • May lead to short-term weight loss due to increased water intake and potential calorie reduction
  • Can help establish healthier hydration habits
  • Not a sustainable long-term weight loss solution
  • Lacks essential nutrients if used as a meal replacement
  • Results vary greatly among individuals

A balanced diet and regular exercise are more effective for sustainable weight management and overall health.

Disadvantages of drinking lemon water daily

While generally safe, consuming lemon water daily may have some drawbacks:

  • Tooth enamel erosion due to citric acid
  • Potential heartburn or acid reflux in sensitive individuals
  • Increased urination frequency
  • Possible canker sores or mouth irritation
  • Interactions with certain medications

To minimize these risks, use a straw, rinse mouth after drinking, and consult a doctor if you have pre-existing conditions.

What happens when you drink lemon water for 7 days

Drinking lemon water for a week may lead to various effects:

Remember, sustainable health benefits require consistent long-term habits rather than short-term changes.

What happens when you drink lemon water for 30 days

A month-long lemon water regimen may result in more noticeable changes:

  • Potential improvement in digestion and metabolism
  • Possible weight loss if replacing high-calorie beverages
  • Enhanced immune function due to consistent vitamin C intake
  • Improved skin health and appearance
  • Potential reduction in inflammation
  • Establishment of a healthy hydration habit

Individual results may vary, and it’s crucial to maintain a balanced diet alongside lemon water consumption.

Side effects of lemon water for female

While generally safe, women should be aware of potential side effects:

  • Increased risk of tooth enamel erosion
  • Potential exacerbation of acid reflux or GERD symptoms
  • Possible increase in urinary tract infections if consuming excessive amounts
  • Interactions with certain medications, including birth control pills
  • Potential impact on iron absorption if consumed with iron-rich meals

Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should consult their healthcare provider before significantly increasing lemon water intake.

Best time to drink lemon water

The optimal timing for lemon water consumption can enhance its benefits:

  • First thing in the morning on an empty stomach
  • 20-30 minutes before meals to aid digestion
  • Throughout the day as part of your regular fluid intake
  • Before bed to support overnight detoxification (if it doesn’t disrupt sleep)

Experiment to find the timing that works best for your body and routine, while ensuring consistent hydration throughout the day.

Overnight lemon water benefits

Preparing lemon water overnight may offer additional advantages:

  • Increased convenience for morning consumption
  • Potential enhancement of detoxifying properties
  • Slightly higher vitamin C content due to longer infusion time
  • May support better morning hydration
  • Could aid in establishing a consistent morning routine

Store overnight lemon water in a glass container in the refrigerator to maintain freshness and prevent bacterial growth.

Hot lemon water benefits in the morning

Starting your day with hot lemon water can provide specific benefits:

  • Aids in gentle awakening of the digestive system
  • May help relieve constipation
  • Can provide a soothing effect for sore throats
  • Potentially boosts metabolism
  • Helps in hydration and flushing out toxins
  • May contribute to a feeling of fullness, supporting weight management

Ensure the water is warm, not boiling, to preserve the vitamin C content and prevent burns.

How to make lemon water

Creating the perfect lemon water is simple:

  1. Start with purified water (room temperature or warm)
  2. Squeeze fresh lemon juice from 1/2 to 1 whole lemon
  3. Mix the lemon juice into 8-12 ounces of water
  4. Optionally, add a small amount of honey or stevia for sweetness
  5. For variety, consider adding mint leaves, cucumber slices, or a pinch of cayenne pepper

Always use fresh lemons for maximum nutritional benefits, and adjust the concentration to your taste preferences.

Dr. Berg

I am a health educator specializing in weight loss through nutritional and natural methods such as the keto diet plan and intermittent fasting

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