4 Mistakes To Avoid When Drinking Lemon Water

4 Mistakes To Avoid When Drinking Lemon Water

Key Benefits of Lemon Water

  • Kidney Stone Prevention: Citrates in lemon juice interfere with kidney stone formation, especially calcium oxalates.
  • Vitamin C Source: Fresh lemon juice provides vitamin C, supporting immune health and potentially preventing symptoms like bleeding gums and fatigue.
  • Antihistamine Effect: Helps with allergies by counteracting histamine reactions.
  • Anti-fungal Properties: Effective against candida and bacterial infections.
  • Gout Prevention: Helps prevent uric acid formation, beneficial for gout and pseudogout.
  • Iron Absorption: Enhances the body’s ability to absorb iron.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

  1. Timing of Consumption:
    • Mistake: Drinking lemon water right before meals.
    • Solution: Consume at least 30 minutes to an hour before eating, or while fasting.
  2. Method of Consumption:
    • Mistake: Drinking straight, undiluted lemon juice.
    • Solution: Dilute with water and use a straw to protect tooth enamel.
  3. Existing Stomach Conditions:
    • Mistake: Consuming lemon water with ulcers or gastritis.
    • Solution: Avoid if you have these conditions, as it can cause burning sensations.
  4. pH Imbalance:
    • Mistake: Drinking lemon water if you have alkalosis.
    • Solution: Be aware of alkalosis symptoms and avoid if you have this condition.

Important Considerations

  • Pasteurization: Pasteurized lemon juice loses natural vitamin C. Fresh is best for maximum benefits.
  • Alkalizing Effect: Despite being acidic, lemon juice has an alkalizing effect in the body.
  • Dental Health: The high acidity (pH 2-3) can damage tooth enamel if not consumed properly.
  • Alkalosis Symptoms: Include lightheadedness, numbness, tingling, tetany, rapid shallow breathing, and heart palpitations.

Best Practices for Consuming Lemon Water

  1. Use fresh lemons or limes for maximum vitamin C content.
  2. Dilute the juice in water to protect your teeth and stomach.
  3. Drink through a straw to minimize contact with teeth.
  4. Consume on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning or while fasting.
  5. If you have any pre-existing conditions, consult with a healthcare provider before making lemon water a regular part of your diet.

So let’s dive into the details…

Drinking lemon water can be a refreshing and healthy habit, but it’s important to be aware of potential pitfalls. This article will guide you through the most common mistakes people make with lemon water and provide tips to ensure you’re getting the full benefits without any unwanted side effects.

Drinking Lemon Water

Drinking Lemon Water

I’d like to talk about four common mistakes that people make when they consume lemon water. I’ve done lots of topics on lemon limes lemon water and the benefits but I really haven’t talked about the mistakes that people make.

Lemon water benefits

Kidney Stone Prevention

kidney stones

But the main benefit of lemon juice is what it can do for kidney stones in preventing kidney stones but the citrates interfere with the formation of a kidney stone

and I’m talking about the calcium oxalates and I’ve done a topic recently on that being related to a deficiency in citrate and so one way to get more citrates is to consume more lemon juice.

BenefitHow it works
Prevents kidney stonesCitrates interfere with calcium oxalate formation
Increases citrate intakeConsuming more lemon juice

Vitamin C Source

Vitamin C Source

Another benefit of lemon water or just lemon juice is for its vitamin C but just remember if you have pasteurized lemon juice the heat kills off the vitamin C

now they probably add some vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid which is not the four complex so if you really want to get the benefits of vitamin C from lemon juice or limes just take a lemon or a lime

and then just squeeze it in water or blend the whole thing in a blender and you can actually drink that down and that works really good if you add a little bit of a like maybe electrolyte powder

which has a little bit of stevia in there so it makes it a nice drink plus you have this Spike of electrolytes but if it’s pasteurized chances are it’s not going to have a lot of vitamin C.

Tips for maximizing vitamin CDetails
Use fresh lemons or limesAvoid pasteurized juice
Squeeze into water or blend wholePreserves vitamin C content
Add electrolyte powder with steviaEnhances taste and benefits

Symptoms of Vitamin C Deficiency

Symptoms of Vitamin C Deficiency

But one of the common symptoms of vitamin C is bleeding gums so if you’re brushing your teeth and you have this little pink toothbrush suspected vitamin C deficiency another symptom would be fatigue.

Common symptoms of Vitamin C deficiency
Bleeding gums

Additional Benefits of Lemon Juice

Another effect from lemon juice is its antihistamine effect that’s why it’s good for allergies histamines are those things that your body makes in reaction to an allergy that causes some of the mucus

and makes you tired there to some degree kind of like a fatigue poison another effect a lemon juice has is its anti-fungal properties so it’s really good for candida fungus and bacterial infections as well

uric acid

so you can use it with other things as like a natural antibiotic another thing that lemon juice will do it will help prevent the formation of uric acid so it’s good in gout some types of gout is called pseudogout which is really oxalates right going into the big toe

it’s not really uric acid and so citrates are really good to counter the effects of that effect and then also lemon juice can help increase the absorption of iron as well in the body.

AntihistamineGood for allergies
Anti-fungalEffective against candida and bacterial infections
Prevents uric acid formationHelpful for gout
Increases iron absorptionImproves nutrient uptake

Top mistakes when consuming lemon water

Mistake 1: Timing of Consumption

All right so let’s just dive right into the mistakes one is that you don’t want to consume this lemon water right before you eat why because even though citric acid is an acid when it goes into the body

it gets burned up and it turns into an alkaline substance okay so basically we’re alkalizing this hydrochloric acid that we don’t want to do and that’s going to inhibit digestion so consume your lemon water at least maybe a half hour to an hour before you eat anything

I consume my lemon juice in the morning when I’m fasting so there’s no possibility of mixing it with a food.

Consume 30-60 minutes before eatingPrevents inhibition of digestion
Best consumed in the morning while fastingAvoids mixing with food

Mistake 2: Drinking Straight Lemon Juice

Mistake number two is you’re just drinking this straight lemon juice just drinking it right out of the bottle whatever as a shot and you’re allowing this very very strong acid to expose to your teeth

I mean think about the pH of lemon juice is a pH of two to three that is similar to hydrochloric acid and so if you were to routinely do that and expose it to your teeth

it could potentially kind of break down some of the enamel on your teeth so what I do is I dilute this lemon juice with water and I consume it with a straw okay that way it avoids going on my teeth.

How to avoid tooth damageReason
Dilute lemon juice with waterReduces acidity
Use a strawMinimizes contact with teeth

Mistake 3: Consuming with Ulcers or Gastritis

4 Mistakes To Avoid When Drinking Lemon Water

All right mistake number three if you have an ulcer or gastritis which you’ll know real quick because it’s going to burn when you consume

it it would be contraindicated you don’t want to take anything that’s acidic if you have this inflamed stomach or an ulcer okay so that would be one thing you would want to avoid but you’ll probably very quickly recognize if you have these conditions because when you consume it it just it’ll burn your stomach.

ConditionWarning sign
Ulcer or gastritisBurning sensation in stomach when consuming

Mistake 4: Consuming with Alkalosis

All right and last mistake is that if you have alkalosis right if you have alkalosis where your blood is just a little excessively alkaline

I mean it’s already alkaline slightly alkaline but if it’s more alkaline and that’s a condition called alkalosis and it can aggravate that pH

and make it worse so a lot of the conditions or symptoms that occur when your body is too alkaline will get worse how do you know if you have alkalosis here are some common symptoms lightheadedness numbness and tingling in the extremities

twitch on the left eye.

like your fingertips or feet tetany like a little twitching underneath the left eyelid or it could be anywhere in the body rapid shallow breathing

like kind of a version of hyperventilating I mean think about when you hyperventilate right you’re getting too much oxygen and you’re creating a CO2 deficiency and without that CO2 you can’t create the acid necessary to help balance the pH.

Symptoms of Alkalosis:

  • Lightheadedness
  • Numbness and tingling in extremities
  • Tetany (twitching)
  • Rapid shallow breathing
  • Heart palpitations

people have this idea that oxygen is the best thing in the world right CO2 is a waste product but you need a balance of both okay you don’t want to just have one or the other

if you have too much oxygen like even in oxygen therapy there are pretty major side effects especially if it’s pure oxygen you can end up with edema swelling pulmonary edema it can be very dangerous


because the CO2 is necessary to make the oxygen available to your cells and your tissues but the point is that when you see someone with alkalosis they’re two alkaline they’re breathing will be off and it will almost look like they’re hyperventilating

and then the last symptom for alkalosis would be like heart palpitations that type of thing.


It’s important to avoid pasteurized lemon juice because the heat used can destroy some of the benefits. Instead, consume lemon juice squeezed from organic lemons or blend whole organic lemons.

Top potential benefits of lemons and limes:
• They can help reduce kidney stones
• They’re high in vitamin C and may help reduce the symptoms of vitamin C deficiency and scurvy
• They have an antihistamine effect
• They have anti-fungal properties
• They can help reduce uric acid
• They can help increase iron absorption

Top mistakes people make when consuming lemon juice:

Drinking it right before a meal
What to do:

  • Consume lemon water at least a half hour before you eat.

Not diluting it with water and not using a straw
What to do:

Drinking it if you have an ulcer or gastritis
What to do:

  • Lemon water will cause a burning sensation in this situation. Avoid anything acidic if you have an ulcer or inflammation in the stomach.

Drinking it if you have alkalosis
What to do:

  • Lemon juice can worsen the symptoms of alkalosis and should be avoided in this situation.


Is there anything wrong with drinking lemon water?

While lemon water is generally safe and beneficial, there are a few considerations:

  • Tooth enamel erosion: The acidity of lemon can erode tooth enamel over time. To mitigate this, use a straw and rinse your mouth with plain water after drinking.
  • Heartburn: Some people may experience heartburn or acid reflux, especially if consumed in large quantities.
  • Increased urination: Lemon has a mild diuretic effect, which might lead to more frequent urination.
  • Canker sores: The acidity may irritate mouth sores.

To minimize these risks, dilute lemon juice properly and practice good oral hygiene.

What should you not mix with lemon juice?

While lemon juice is versatile, there are some combinations to avoid:

  • Milk or dairy products: Lemon can curdle milk, potentially causing digestive discomfort.
  • Certain medications: Consult your doctor, as lemon might interact with some medications, particularly those affected by acidity levels.
  • Undiluted fruit juices: This can create an overly acidic mixture, potentially harming tooth enamel and the digestive system.
  • Hot water: Very hot water can destroy some beneficial enzymes and vitamins in lemon juice.

What occurs when lemon juice is mixed with water?

When lemon juice is mixed with water, several beneficial changes occur:

  • Dilution of acidity: This makes it safer for consumption and gentler on teeth and the digestive system.
  • Release of nutrients: Water helps to extract and distribute vitamin C, citric acid, and other beneficial compounds from the lemon.
  • Enhanced hydration: The flavor encourages increased water intake.
  • Electrolyte balance: Lemon juice adds trace minerals that can help maintain electrolyte balance.

What will happen if you always drink water with lemon?

Regular consumption of lemon water can lead to various effects:

  • Improved hydration: The flavor may encourage you to drink more water throughout the day.
  • Potential weight management: It may support metabolism and help with feelings of fullness.
  • Enhanced digestion: The acids in lemon can aid in breaking down food.
  • Increased vitamin C intake: Boosting your immune system and skin health.
  • Potential dental issues: Without proper care, it may lead to enamel erosion over time.

Moderation and proper oral hygiene are key to maximizing benefits while minimizing risks.

What if you drink lemon water for 30 days?

A 30-day lemon water regimen might result in:

  • Improved digestion: Many people report better digestive health and reduced bloating.
  • Clearer skin: The vitamin C and antioxidants may contribute to a healthier complexion.
  • Better hydration habits: You may find yourself naturally drinking more water.
  • Potential weight changes: Some individuals notice slight weight loss, likely due to increased water intake and improved metabolism.
  • Enhanced immune function: The consistent vitamin C boost may strengthen your immune system.

Remember, individual results can vary, and it’s important to maintain a balanced diet alongside this habit.

What happens when you drink lemon water for 7 days for skin?

A week of consistent lemon water consumption may benefit your skin:

  • Increased hydration: Better-hydrated skin often appears more plump and radiant.
  • Vitamin C boost: This antioxidant can help protect skin from free radical damage and support collagen production.
  • Detoxification support: Lemon may aid liver function, potentially leading to clearer skin.
  • pH balance: Despite being acidic, lemon water may help balance the body’s pH, which could reflect in skin health.

While one week may show some improvements, longer-term consumption is likely to yield more noticeable results.

Benefits of adding lemon and lime to water

Combining lemon and lime in water offers a range of benefits:

  • Enhanced flavor profile: The mix provides a more complex taste, encouraging increased water intake.
  • Broader nutrient spectrum: Each citrus fruit offers slightly different vitamins and antioxidants.
  • Increased vitamin C: Both fruits are excellent sources of this essential vitamin.
  • Digestive aid: The combination may provide more effective support for digestion.
  • Potential weight management: The flavor can help reduce cravings for sugary drinks.

Why drink lemon water in the morning?

Starting your day with lemon water can offer several advantages:

  • Gentle wake-up for digestive system: It can stimulate digestive juices and bile production.
  • Hydration after sleep: Rehydrates your body after hours without water.
  • Metabolic boost: May help kickstart your metabolism for the day.
  • Appetite regulation: Some find it helps manage morning hunger levels.
  • Mental clarity: The hydration and nutrients can contribute to better morning alertness.

Lemon water 3 day fast benefits

A 3-day lemon water fast, while extreme, is claimed to offer these potential benefits:

  • Detoxification: May support the body’s natural detox processes.
  • Digestive reset: Gives the digestive system a break from solid foods.
  • Potential weight loss: Primarily due to calorie restriction and water loss.
  • Increased mental clarity: Some report improved focus after the initial adjustment period.
  • Improved insulin sensitivity: Short-term fasting may positively affect insulin function.

Caution: Extended fasting can be risky. Always consult a healthcare professional before attempting any fasting regimen.

Lemon water skin before and after

Many people report skin improvements after incorporating lemon water into their routine:

  • Before: Skin may appear dull, prone to breakouts, or show signs of dehydration.
  • After: Potential improvements include:
    • Increased hydration and plumpness
    • Brighter complexion due to vitamin C
    • Reduced frequency of breakouts
    • More even skin tone
    • Slightly diminished appearance of fine lines

Results vary by individual and are often more noticeable with consistent, long-term consumption.

After drinking lemon water in the morning, when to eat?

To maximize the benefits of morning lemon water:

  • Wait 15-30 minutes: This allows the lemon water to stimulate digestive processes.
  • Observe your body: Some people prefer waiting up to an hour, while others feel ready to eat sooner.
  • Consider a light breakfast: Start with easily digestible foods to complement the gentle morning routine.
  • Stay hydrated: Continue drinking water throughout the morning.

Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. Adjust timing based on your personal comfort and schedule.

Dr. Berg

I am a health educator specializing in weight loss through nutritional and natural methods such as the keto diet plan and intermittent fasting

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