Magnesium Protects Against the Bad Effects of Calcium

Magnesium Protects Against the Bad Effects of Calcium

Learn how Magnesium Protects Against the Bad Effects of Calcium, and how magnesium protects your body from the harmful effects of excess calcium. Discover the benefits of maintaining a balanced magnesium-calcium ratio for optimal health.

Magnesium function 

We’re gonna talk about magnesium’s effect on calcium .

But let’s first talk about what magnesium does .

It’s involved in over 350 biochemical reactions .

It’s a coenzyme , and that means it’s a helper mineral involved in enzyme reactions which are it’s like the protein machines in the body that do all the work .

Magnesium function 

Magnesium is also a key electrolyte .

Electrolytes conduct electricity within the fluid of your body .

Magnesium , affects the relaxation of muscle , nerve transmission , fluid balance , pH , ATP production which is the energy currency of the body .

Magnesium is also involved in mood , making serotonin .

It’s also involved in making melatonin which actually can help you sleep as well .

It’s an anti stress mineral involved in the adrenal hormones .

It’s involved in bone physiology , heart physiology and supporting insulin .

So you can see it’s very very important .

Magnesium deficiency 

Now up to 60% of the entire population has a subclinical magnesium deficiency .

And subclinical meaning that it doesn’t show up in a blood test but you’re deficient because the actual deficiency is inside the cell .

98% of all the magnesium is inside the cell not outside the cell .

So when you get a blood test and you find that your magnesium levels are normal in your blood , it doesn’t really mean anything because most of the magnesium is inside the cell .

The RDAs of magnesium 

The RDA’s for magnesium in men are 420 milligrams and for women , they’re 320 .

Foods rich in magnesium 

Foods rich in magnesium  pumpkin seeds

The best sources of magnesium are in pumpkin seeds and then spinach , and then Swiss chard , and sunflower seeds , leafy greens , and salmon .

Chlorophyll , which is the blood the plant has a very similar chemistry to our own blood .

And the difference is that we have iron , which is red in the center of our blood molecule , and the plant has , magnesium which is a slight green color in its , chlorophyll .

Magnesium and calcium relationship 

One of the really important things about magnesium is keeping calcium outside the cell .

If there’s enough magnesium inside the cell , it can prevent calcium from going inside the cell and creating damage .

Magnesium and calcium relationship 

In fact , the ratio of magnesium to calcium inside the cell is 10000 to 1 .

When there’s low magnesium and the calcium gets out of control , you start getting calcification .

But if you think about it , how many medical conditions involve calcification ?

Calcification in the arteries , calcification in your kidneys , calcification in your eyes , on the nerves , in the brain .

There are many many conditions that involve excessive amounts of calcium build up .

vitamin k 2

And yes , we need vitamin k 2 to actually help mobilize the calcium out of the soft tissue .

Magnesium is just as important .

When we have too much calcium and too little magnesium , you get a hyperexcitability of the nervous system .

So you start getting little twitches , you know , in different parts of your body .

Maybe the left eyelid or another part of the body .

You also have problems with insulin .

Insulin starts going up .

So having the right ratios of magnesium to calcium can keep your insulin in check .

Also , having enough magnesium can prevent calcium from causing stiffness and sticky blood which can lead to excess clotting .

Also , having enough magnesium actually prevents the liver from producing too much glucose .

And lastly , I already mentioned this , having enough magnesium can prevent the formation of kidney stones .

key Points:

Magnesium is involved in over 350 biochemical reactions. It’s a coenzyme involved in enzyme reactions. It’s also a key electrolyte.

Magnesium is also involved in:

• Muscle relaxation
• Nerve transmission
• Fluid balance
• pH
• ATP production
• Mood
• Anti-stress
• Sleep
• Bone physiology
• Heart physiology
• Supporting insulin

Magnesium is very important. But, up to 60% of the population has a subclinical magnesium deficiency. Subclinical means that it won’t show up on a blood test, but you’re still deficient. The deficiency is inside of the cell. 98% of your magnesium is inside of the cell, not outside of the cell. So, if you get a blood test and find that your magnesium levels are normal in your blood, it may not really mean anything.

  • • The RDAs of magnesium for men are 420 milligrams.
  • • The RDAs of magnesium for women are 320 milligrams.

Good sources of magnesium:

• Pumpkin seeds
• Spinach
• Swiss chard
• Sunflower seeds
• Leafy greens
• Salmon

  • One of the important things magnesium does is keeping calcium outside of the cell. If there is enough magnesium in the cell, it can prevent calcium from going inside of the cell and creating damage.
  • When there’s low magnesium, and calcium gets out of control, you can start getting:

• Calcification
• Hyperexcitability of the nervous system
• Insulin problems
• Stiffness
• Sticky blood
• The liver can start to produce too much glucose
Kidney stones


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Does magnesium prevent calcium absorption?

No, magnesium does not prevent calcium absorption. In fact, magnesium plays a crucial role in aiding the absorption and metabolism of calcium, promoting bone health and preventing calcium from becoming deposited in soft tissues, which can lead to health issues.

Should I take magnesium if I have high calcium levels?

Yes, taking magnesium can be beneficial if you have high calcium levels. Magnesium can help balance calcium levels in the body, reducing the risk of conditions associated with excessive calcium, such as kidney stones and vascular calcification.

Is magnesium a calcium channel blocker?

Yes, magnesium acts as a natural calcium channel blocker. It regulates the entry of calcium into cells and is essential for muscle relaxation. By blocking calcium’s entry into muscle cells, magnesium helps prevent cramps and spasms.

What do magnesium and calcium work together to do?

Magnesium and calcium work together to support crucial bodily functions, including:

  • Bone Health: Both minerals are essential for strong bones and teeth.
  • Muscle Function: Magnesium aids muscle relaxation, while calcium facilitates muscle contraction.
  • Nerve Transmission: They assist in the proper functioning of the nervous system.

Magnesium and calcium: An inverse relationship

The levels of magnesium and calcium in your body share an inverse relationship: high levels of one can lead to lower levels of the other. Maintaining a balanced ratio is essential for health, emphasizing the importance of a balanced intake of these minerals.

Taking calcium and magnesium at night

Taking calcium and magnesium supplements at night may offer benefits, such as improved sleep quality and muscle relaxation. This timing can also support the body’s natural repair processes during sleep.

The relationship between magnesium and calcium

Magnesium and calcium maintain a delicate balance that is crucial for health. While calcium is essential for muscle contraction and bone formation, magnesium helps with the absorption of calcium and relaxes the muscles after contraction.

Side effects of calcium and magnesium supplements

While generally safe, excessive intake of calcium and magnesium supplements can cause side effects. Excessive calcium can lead to digestive issues and increased risk of kidney stones, whereas too much magnesium might cause diarrhea and abdominal cramping.

Should calcium and magnesium be taken together or separately?

Calcium and magnesium can be taken together or separately, depending on individual health needs and advice from a healthcare provider. Some experts suggest taking them separately to optimize absorption, as high doses taken together might compete for absorption.

Why do you need to take magnesium with calcium?

Magnesium is required for the proper absorption and metabolism of calcium. Without sufficient magnesium, calcium can accumulate in soft tissues rather than in bones, leading to health issues. Magnesium helps direct calcium to the bones and prevents potential negative effects of excess calcium.

Benefits of calcium and magnesium

Together, calcium and magnesium support:

Can I take magnesium, calcium, and vitamin D together?

Yes, these nutrients can be taken together and support each other in promoting bone health and overall well-being. Vitamin D helps enhance the absorption of calcium and magnesium, making this combination synergistic in supporting bone density and cardiovascular health.

Dr. Berg

I am a health educator specializing in weight loss through nutritional and natural methods such as the keto diet plan and intermittent fasting

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