7 Facts about Vitamin D You Never Knew

7 Facts about Vitamin D You Never Knew

 Vitamin D deficienc

Discover 7 surprising facts about Vitamin D that you never knew! Learn about its crucial role in your health, causes of deficiency, and effective ways to maintain optimal levels. Uncover the hidden truths about Vitamin D and enhance your well-being.

at one time I had zero awareness about the importance of vitamins and what they did on our bodies , especially vitamin d .

I’ve maybe heard about it .

Maybe you get it from the sun , from the foods .

I just had zero data on vitamin d and it just wasn’t even on my radar .

But over time , when I gained more knowledge about vitamin d , it is the most important vitamin out of all the vitamins .

Because if you’re deficient , boy , your immune system doesn’t work .

You’re gonna have inflammation .

You can have all sorts of issues with sleep and digestion , and the list goes on and on and on .

Vitamin D deficiency causes

But they may know some of the common reasons why the majority of the population is deficient in vitamin d .

Gut inflammation , no gallbladder .

Vitamin D deficiency causes

As we age , our skin becomes thicker .

We can’t absorb vitamin d from the sun .

The darker the skin is , the less vitamin d absorption because of the melanin , the pigment in the skin .

The more obese someone is , the more diabetic they are , the more insulin resistance they have , the less vitamin d they’re gonna absorb .

And also , where they live .

If they live at a high latitude in the north , they’re not gonna get much d , and it’s virtually impossible to get vitamin d from your diet .

People are also more aware that their genetics have a big play in vitamin d too .

Are many different genes that a person can have a problem with that either , makes it difficult to convert , into the active form of vitamin d or just absorb vitamin d .

And I have that problem myself .

Then you have , if a person has an infection , microbes can downgrade vitamin D receptors and block the absorption of vitamin D as their strategy to overcome your immune system .

Vitamin D deficiency causes fatty liver
KH31HX Healthy and fatty liver, vector illustration (for basic medical education, for clinics & Schools)

If someone has a fatty liver or they smoke or they consume sugar or they go through stress , they’re gonna absorb less vitamin d .

If they’re on a statin or on a low fat diet , they’re not gonna get as much vitamin d .

If there’s pollution in the air or even if they’re getting too many omega 6 fatty acids with the soy oil , the corn oil , the canola oil , that will block vitamin d .

But I wanna talk about 7 things that you probably have never heard of before , and they’re very interesting , and they’re very important to know .

Vitamin D explained

Number 1 , the majority of side effects that may occur when you take vitamin D .

And I’m gonna list them .

Fatigue , insomnia , constipation , diarrhea , skin rash , nausea , headache , pain , all could occur if you’re low in magnesium .

fatty liver

Magnesium is such an important mineral in relationship to vitamin D .

It helps it work better .

And if you’re deficient in magnesium , which a lot of people are vitamin D may give you additional issues .

So in other words , if you take more vitamin d , it can exaggerate an already deficient situation with Magnesium .

Now , of course , the side effect from very large amounts of vitamin d over many , many months potentially creating hypercalcemia could give you kidney stones , but this is very , very rare .

And this , I think , is the probably the biggest fear .

They don’t realize that you’d have to take a lot more over a long period of time before you got kidney stones or hypercalcemia .

And if you’re taking magnesium and other factors related to , this vitamin D like K2 , the odds of you getting hypercalcemia , too much calcium in the blood , even go even lower , But drinking a little bit more water like 2.5 liters of fluid per day can really almost eliminate the formation of kidney stones because kidney stones form when there’s a super concentrated amount of this calcium in the urine .


So if your urine is so diluted , it can never be super concentrated .

Number 2 , taking , vitamin d infrequently works a little bit better than on a regular basis .

So if we compare taking 10,000 IUs of vitamin d every day as a maintenance dose , and you instead did 50,000 IUs once a week or twice a week , that might work a little better for you .

And this is good because sometimes people forget to take vitamin d and they think , is it gonna do any good if I take it a few times a week ?

And the answer is yes .

Remember , vitamin d is a fat soluble vitamin .

So when it goes in the body , it gets stored in the fat cells and it’s it can be released over time .

It’s not like a water soluble vitamin , like some of the B vitamins and vitamin C that you would wanna take those on a daily basis .

The next , thing that people don’t realize is this , when you consume , like , farm raised fish , which , I mean , it’s so so common in restaurants , and , you just need to start reading the labels .

Farm raised fish has 4 times less vitamin d as well caught fish .

grass fed animals

Grain fed animals compared to grass fed animals have much less vitamin d .

And chickens and pigs that roam outside and that are able to get out of the barn , and they’re exposed to the sun , have much more vitamin d than these , pigs and chickens that are confined to a a structure .

In fact , when a pig or a chicken doesn’t get to see the daylight , they’re like 3 times less vitamin d .


Number 4 .And this is really , really interesting .

Out of all the factors that can improve your health .

Okay .

Vitamin d is behind eating a healthy diet and exercise .

Number 5 , vitamin d 2 , which is mainly you have to get a prescription for is very different than vitamin d 3 .

In fact , vitamin d 2 actually in some studies have worsened MS .

Versus vitamin d 3 has greatly improved MS .

Lupus , another autoimmune disease , is not affected by d 2 , but it is with d 3 .

The studies in vitamin d 2 do not decrease mortality , but the studies with vitamin d 3 do .

And taking vitamin d 2 can actually inhibit the absorption of vitamin d 3 .

Some people , when they go out and get exposure to the sun

Some people , when they go out and get exposure to the sun , they think that they’re getting a lot of vitamin d when they’re getting exposed to the sun for , like , 10 minutes .

So let’s say best case scenario , you’re young , you don’t have any of these other barriers of absorption of vitamin d , and , you’re exposing a lot of your skin to the sun for about 10 minutes , you’re only gonna get 400 IUs of vitamin d .

That is very , very low amounts .

So just realize that it takes a bit more exposure to sun to get enough vitamin d .

And last point that I think is very , very important because a lot of people take vitamin d 3 , and they don’t realize that manufacturing companies are adding , corn syrup to vitamin d .

In fact , the manufacturing company that I work with in Europe basically told me with a high level of certainty , I was the only one to ask or request a vitamin d product without corn syrup .

And I would suspect a similar thing is happening in the US , but I don’t know for sure .

So when you get a vitamin D product , make sure they don’t add the corn syrup or the maltodextrin .

Now that you know those seven factors , I wanna take your awareness even higher .




Key Points:

Vitamin D deficiency can cause:
• A compromised immune system
• Inflammation
• Sleep issues
• Digestive problems

Causes of vitamin D deficiency:
• Gut inflammation
• Missing gallbladder
• Thicker skin
• Darker skin
• Obesity
Insulin resistance
• Location (living further from the equator)
• Problems with certain genes
• Infection
• Fatty liver
• Smoking
• Sugar
• Stress
• Statins
Low-fat diets
• Pollution
• Omega-6 fatty acids

Important things you may have never learned about vitamin D:

  1. Most side effects that occur after taking vitamin D could be caused by a magnesium deficiency.
  2. Infrequent large doses of vitamin D may be better than small daily doses.
  3. Farm-raised fish have four times less vitamin D than wild-caught fish, and grain-fed animals have less vitamin D than grass-fed animals. Chickens and pigs that roam outside have more vitamin D than those confined indoors.
  4. Vitamin D3 is the third biggest factor that improves overall health.
  5. vitamin D2 is very different from vitamin D3 and may inhibit the absorption of vitamin D3 and worsen MS. It’s also not effective to help with lupus or to decrease mortality, whereas vitamin D3 may be effective in these situations.
  6. Ten minutes of skin exposure to the sun only provides about 400 IU of vitamin D.
  7. Most vitamin D3 supplements in Europe (and possibly around the world) contain corn syrup.

Dr. Berg

I am a health educator specializing in weight loss through nutritional and natural methods such as the keto diet plan and intermittent fasting

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