Boost Autophagy with Coffee and Herbs

Boost Autophagy with Coffee and Herbs

Autophagy, a crucial cellular process that helps the body recycle damaged proteins and eliminate toxins, has gained significant attention for its potential health benefits. While fasting and calorie restriction are well-known autophagy inducers, certain foods and beverages can also stimulate this process. In this article, we’ll explore the science behind using coffee, herbs, and spices to enhance autophagy and provide practical tips for incorporating these powerful autophagy inducers into your diet.

What is autophagy?

Coffee and Herbs

today we’re gonna talk about how to enhance your autophagy with coffee in herbs now what is a autophagy it means self-eat and it’s basically a state or condition where your body gets into where it’s recycling damaged proteins and pathogens you have all the cellular machinery inside your cells

you have mitochondria which is the energy factory you have the DNA the blueprints when these proteins become damaged they can create more damage in your body so your body has developed a system to recycle them break them down

with certain enzymes and then create new proteins it’s quite fascinating but will also help you eliminate pathogens because they’re not needed that’s really cool so that’s what a autophagy is it’s a repair mechanism


  • Autophagy means “self-eat”
  • It’s a state where the body recycles damaged proteins and pathogens
  • It involves breaking down damaged cellular components and creating new proteins
  • Autophagy is a repair mechanism that helps eliminate pathogens

Autophagy benefits

it reduces inflammation extend your life it’s anti-cancer and anti-aging other than that it’s not that great I’m being very sarcastic it’s actually awesome


  • Reduces inflammation
  • Extends life
  • Anti-cancer properties
  • Anti-aging effects

How to induce autophagy

Most people think about inducing autophagy when they’re doing fasting. My opinion is that autophagy kicks in around 16 to 18 hours of fasting, but I don’t know that for a fact. That’s just my opinion. There’s really no studies to tell you exactly the time that you’re gonna induce autophagy, but this is my guess.

Exercise will also increase autophagy, and believe it or not, coffee can also help you to some degree. Now of course, I always recommend one cup, not like a lot of coffee, simply because all that caffeine is going to affect your sleep, and if you’re not sleeping, that’s gonna knock you out of autophagy. So just a small amount of coffee.


If you want to put some sweetener in it, use erythritol or xylitol, maybe a little tiny cream. But if you have a choice between half and half and full cream, I would do the cream because it has lower amounts of carbohydrates. If you’re just using a little bit of cream, it’s not gonna be that big of a deal limiting the benefits of autophagy.

Sulforaphane, this is a phytonutrient or phytochemical in cruciferous vegetables, especially broccoli or broccoli sprouts. So you could take these as a supplement and enhance your autophagy. Now what about consuming sprouts themselves or a little bit of broccoli? Well, the interesting thing about autophagy is that not only will fasting induce autophagy, but a very low calorie diet will also help autophagy.


If we look at all the foods out there, the foods that have the lowest calorie and that have the highest nutrients would be the vegetables. I’m mainly talking about the cruciferous vegetables because they have so many different types of phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals. They have certain amino acids, they even have a precursor to omega-3 fatty acids which is ALA. Having a little bit of broccoli sprouts could enhance your autophagy.

Then we have the phytonutrient in green tea, EGCG, which will not only induce autophagy but it’s anti-inflammatory, it has very powerful antioxidants, and it’s very anti-cancer. Then we have curcumin from the spice turmeric that can help increase autophagy, as well as the final nutrient resveratrol, which is in several things. One is the grape skin, it’s also very high in something called knotweed. Very good to extend your life, it can induce autophagy, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant.

And of course, because it’s in grapes, it would just make sense that you should just start drinking bottles of wine before you go to bed. And I’m being very sarcastic again because the alcohol will affect the liver and prevent the benefits. But as a plan B, just take the grapes themselves and squash out the inside where all the sugar is and eat the skin of the grapes and you’ll be good to go. Or just take it as a pill to make it easy.

Ways to Induce Autophagy:

  1. Fasting
    • Autophagy may start after 16-18 hours (opinion, not scientifically proven)
  2. Exercise
    • Increases autophagy
  3. Moderate coffee consumption
  4. Low-calorie diets
    • Especially with cruciferous vegetables
  5. Beneficial substances:
    a) Sulforaphane (from broccoli and broccoli sprouts)
    b) EGCG (from green tea)
    c) Curcumin (from turmeric)
    d) Resveratrol (from grape skins, knotweed)

Important Notes:

  • Avoid alcohol as it can prevent autophagy benefits
  • Consider supplements if whole food options are not available


how you can increase your autophagy with coffee and herbs. Autophagy means “self-eat.” This is the state in which your body begins to recycle damaged proteins and pathogens.

When proteins become damaged, they can wreak havoc on your body. To prevent this harm, your body breaks down damaged proteins with enzymes and creates new healthy proteins.

Autophagy is vital for:

  • Reducing inflammation
  • Increasing your lifespan and health
  • Preventing cancer
  • Slowing the aging process

There are several ways you can promote autophagy naturally:

  1. Fasting – Fasting is a fantastic way to induce autophagy. It’s my opinion that fasting for 16-18 hours is ideal for autophagy—although few studies show an exact length of time for peak autophagy.
  2. Exercise – Exercise is another excellent way to promote autophagy.
  3. Coffee – Drinking coffee may help induce autophagy to some degree. I don’t recommend having much more than one cup of coffee each day. Way too much caffeine will affect your sleep, which can actually reduce autophagy.
  4. Sulforaphane – This compound is a phytochemical that has health-protecting effects, including the ability to induce autophagy. You can get sulforaphane from fresh cruciferous vegetables or cruciferous supplements. You should be consuming plenty of vegetables (7-10 cups) every day.
  5. Green tea (EGCG) – EGCG, or epigallocatechin gallate, is a powerful autophagy-inducing compound found in green tea. Additionally, EGCG is great for reducing inflammation and fighting off cancer cells.
  6. Curcumin – Curcumin is a potent autophagy-promoting compound found in turmeric. Turmeric is often found in Indian foods like curry.
  7. Resveratrol – This compound is primarily found in the skin of black grapes and red wine. Resveratrol has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and autophagy-promoting properties.



What herbs activate autophagy?

Several herbs and spices have been shown to activate autophagy, including:

  • Curcumin (from turmeric): Curcumin can induce autophagy
  • Resveratrol (from grapes): Resveratrol activates SIRT1, which can stimulate autophagy[3][4].
  • Sulforaphane (from broccoli): Sulforaphane can induce autophagy
  • Berberine (from goldenseal): Berberine can activate autophagy

Does coffee increase autophagy?

Yes, coffee has been shown to rapidly induce autophagy in multiple tissues in vivo. This effect is independent of caffeine content and is likely due to other coffee components, such as polyphenols[2][3].

What is the fastest way to induce autophagy?

The fastest way to induce autophagy is through prolonged fasting, typically after 16-24 hours of not consuming any calories. Fasting triggers autophagy by depleting cellular energy levels and inhibiting the mTOR pathway[4][9].

What drinks increase autophagy?

In addition to coffee, green tea and matcha have been found to stimulate autophagy. The catechins in green tea, particularly EGCG, can activate autophagy through the AMPK pathway[10][11].

What are autophagy inducers?

Autophagy inducers are substances or conditions that stimulate the autophagy process. Some common autophagy inducers include:

  • Fasting or calorie restriction
  • Exercise
  • Spermidine (found in aged cheese, soy products, and wheat germ)
  • Rapamycin (a pharmaceutical drug)
  • Resveratrol (found in grapes and red wine)
  • Curcumin (found in turmeric)

Does ginger increase autophagy?

Yes, ginger and its active compounds, such as gingerol and shogaol, have been shown to induce autophagy in various cell types. Ginger activates autophagy through the AMPK/mTOR pathway and can have protective effects against diseases like cancer and neurodegenerative disorders[12][13].

What blocks autophagy?

Several substances and conditions can inhibit autophagy, including:

  • Amino acids (particularly leucine and arginine), which activate the mTOR pathway[14]
  • Growth factors, such as insulin and IGF-1, which also activate mTOR[15]
  • Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, which prevent the fusion of autophagosomes and lysosomes[16]
  • Bafilomycin A1, which inhibits lysosomal function[17]

What ruins autophagy?

Factors that can disrupt or impair autophagy include:

  • Chronic inflammation
  • Oxidative stress
  • Mitochondrial dysfunction
  • Accumulation of misfolded proteins
  • Disruption of lysosomal function
  • Genetic mutations in autophagy-related genes

What is the best fruit for autophagy?

While there is no definitive “best” fruit for autophagy, some fruits that may support autophagy include:

  • Blueberries: Rich in antioxidants and may activate AMPK to stimulate autophagy[18]
  • Pomegranates: Contain punicalagins, which can induce autophagy and protect against oxidative stress[19]
  • Grapes: Resveratrol in grapes can activate SIRT1 and stimulate autophagy[3]
  • Citrus fruits: May contain compounds that can activate autophagy and inhibit mTOR[20]

It’s important to note that while these foods may support autophagy, a balanced diet with a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains is essential for overall health and well-being.

Dr. Berg

I am a health educator specializing in weight loss through nutritional and natural methods such as the keto diet plan and intermittent fasting

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