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Bulletproof coffee has gained popularity among intermittent fasting enthusiasts, but many wonder about its impact on autophagy – the body’s cellular recycling process.
This article explores the relationship between bulletproof coffee and autophagy, examining how various factors like calorie intake, health status, and fasting duration influence this important bodily function. We’ll delve into expert insights on optimizing your fasting routine to maximize autophagy benefits while enjoying your favorite coffee blend.
Whether you’re new to intermittent fasting or a seasoned practitioner, understanding the nuances of bulletproof coffee’s effect on autophagy can help you make informed decisions about your dietary choices.
so I wanted to create a topic to answer the question that keeps coming up will the bulletproof coffee prevent a Autophagy okay I’ve done topics on will it prevent you know ketosis but now let’s talk about a Autophagy
Explaining Autophagy:
Autophagy is an amazing state when you go into fasting mode your body starts repairing you start recycling the damaged proteins and the microbes in the body and the viruses and the candida starts cleaning up all this stuff the need for vitamins and nutrients go way down
because your body is in recycled mode it gets very very efficient our bodies were designed tens of thousands of years ago to not eat very frequently so we have this great survival skill that helps us in many different ways so it’s like a self-cleaning oven sort of speak in your cells
- Autophagy occurs during fasting, where the body starts repairing itself.
- Damaged proteins, microbes, viruses, and candida are recycled.
- The need for vitamins and nutrients decreases as the body becomes more efficient.
- Bodies are naturally efficient during fasting, similar to a self-cleaning oven.
Factors That Stop Autophagy:

so what will stop a Autophagy the glucose is right at the top of the list protein cortisol how do you get this from stress okay stress will shut that down like that not that you’ve ever experienced dress but you probably know people who have eating will will stop a Autophagy
so we really want to do fasting low stress and then not consume these fat has the least effect on insulin so that’s exciting
- Glucose, protein, and cortisol (from stress) inhibit autophagy.
- Eating stops autophagy.
- Focus on fasting, low stress, and avoiding these inhibitors.
- Fat has the least effect on insulin.
Impact of Bulletproof Coffee on Autophagy:
so let’s say for example you’re doing bulletproof coffee where you’re adding some coconut oil or MCT oil or even butter and you’re doing like a lot of it okay where there’s like three four hundred calories yeah well that’s gonna stop your Autophagy absolutely it’s gonna block it but if you’re doing a small amount
let’s say one tablespoon of butter or 1 tablespoon of MCT oil it may inhibit Autophagy for a little bit but I don’t think it’s gonna be that significant now if you do half and half it does have one percent
carbohydrate and one in less than one percent protein so now we’re getting the carbs but these have no carbs okay so maybe you just do a very very small amount of this and that might be the ideal situation
- Large amounts of Bulletproof coffee (300-400 calories) will stop autophagy.
- Small amounts (one tablespoon of butter or MCT oil) may slightly inhibit autophagy but not significantly.
- Using very small amounts might be the ideal situation.
Factors Affecting Autophagy:
but to get in the Autophagy really depends on several things the amount of calories that you’re consuming which we just talked about the more the less Autophagy we have so it’s a balance act also your health state your age for 18 years old and have an incredible metabolism
you can probably get into Autophagy way faster than someone going through menopause but let’s say you have a diabetic and you’re a medication well that’s gonna inhibit your Autophagy too so it really dependent to on your health state
the worst your health is the more strict that you need to be with these things the healthier you are the more you can get away with this okay the faster the metabolism the more you can get away with this
- Getting into autophagy depends on several factors:
- Caloric intake.
- Health state and age.
- Metabolic rate.
- Presence of chronic conditions like diabetes and medication use.
Role of Exercise and Fasting Duration

okay let’s say for example you exercise well that will help you get into Autophagy because that’s one of the triggers so it because you’re actually creating this stress on top you’re not eating so you’re gonna create more Autophagy as long as you recover
because we don’t want to increase too much cortisol from the excessive stress that you just created also there’s another factor of how long your fasting let’s say for example
you’re doing one meal a day well that’s great because you’re gonna have a lot of hours to do to get into a Autophagy right I would imagine you get into a really good Autophagy right around 18 hours it could be 16 hours it could be a little bit later
it really depends on they don’t really know exactly but I’m just using that as a good ballpark number 18 hours of fasting okay so if you’re let’s say you’re getting exactly 18 hours or 17 hours and you’re doing this well you’re probably not going to get the benefits as compared to doing your fasting

let’s say at 20 hours and with a four-hour window of eating okay so there’s you can see that it’s not a simple answer you have to look at all these factors and use judgment on this but the longer the fast the more you can get away with this
- Exercise helps trigger autophagy but avoid excessive stress to prevent cortisol increase.
- The duration of fasting is crucial, with 18 hours being a general guideline.
- Longer fasting windows (e.g., 20 hours with a 4-hour eating window) provide more benefits.
Impact of Insulin Levels on Autophagy:
okay and also how much insulin you have in your body because insulin or block or topic g2 so you say well I don’t have any more carbohydrates well you may have insulin resistance and insulin resistance
causes your own body to make it more insulin like five to seven times more that extra insulin can keep you from experiencing the benefits of Autophagy and this is why the Autophagy benefits even living longer and better skin and into aging occur more over time of doing a healthy Kido
and in a min fasting plan because you’re you’re building on this your body’s becoming more efficient your insulin is coming way way down okay so it’s really a balance of a balancing act there’s a certain hormone factor called GIP
it’s located in your small intestines and this is triggered when you eat so it amplifies the effects of insulin so it’s not just a matter of avoiding carbs it’s a matter of also keeping your calories really low okay but I would imagine if you’re in pretty good shape and you just do a small amount of one of these in your coffee

I don’t think it’s going to be a big problem okay but you have to test it out and see see if you’re getting the benefits that your better skin feeling younger the cognitive improvements
- Insulin levels impact autophagy.
- Insulin resistance increases insulin production, blocking autophagy benefits.
- Healthy keto and intermittent fasting plans reduce insulin over time, enhancing autophagy.
- Hormone GIP in the intestines amplifies insulin effects, so keep calories low.
- Small amounts of Bulletproof coffee may be fine but need testing for benefits.
Conclusion and Additional Benefits:
and by the way as a side note I’m gonna do a separate topic on this vitamin D is will help you get into Autophagy more so Sun is really good too so if we combine Sun with exercise with fasting it’ll improve your potential for Autophagy benefits alright so I think I covered all the points
and I will see you in the next topic so if you’re enjoying this content go ahead and share it with someone that could really benefit from it
- Vitamin D and sunlight help with autophagy.
- Combining sun exposure, exercise, and fasting enhances autophagy benefits.
Dr. Berg talks about bulletproof coffee and autophagy. Autophagy is a state when you are in fasting mode and the body starts repairing and recycling the damaged proteins and microbes in the body and also the need for vitamins and nutrients go way down.
Things that Stop Autophagy:
- Glucose
- Protein
- Cortisol
- Eating
*Fat has the last effect on insulin.
To get into autophagy really depends on several things:
- Amount of calories
- Health State (the worst your health is, the more strict that you need to be with these things).
- Exercise
- How long you been fasting
- Insulin
GIP – a hormone factor that is located in the small intestine that gets triggered when you eat so it amplifies the effect of insulin.
Get my Free Guide on Autophagy
Does bulletproof coffee affect autophagy?
Bulletproof coffee, which is rich in healthy fats and antioxidants, can potentially affect autophagy. Autophagy is a process where the body recycles and repairs damaged cells and cellular components. Here are some key points:
Factors That Affect Autophagy
- Glucose: Consuming glucose can inhibit autophagy.
- Protein: High protein intake can also block autophagy.
- Cortisol: Stress hormones like cortisol can suppress autophagy.
- Eating: Regular meals can disrupt autophagy.
Effect of Bulletproof Coffee
Bulletproof coffee, which typically includes coconut oil or MCT oil, can influence autophagy depending on the amount of fat consumed. If you add a significant amount of fat, such as 3-4 tablespoons of coconut oil or MCT oil, it can stop autophagy by increasing insulin levels and providing a source of energy that can compete with autophagy[1]. However, if you use a small amount, such as one tablespoon of butter or MCT oil, the effect on autophagy might be minimal[1].
Benefits of Autophagy
Autophagy has numerous benefits, including:
- Cellular Mitochondria Regulation: Improves energy production.
- Nervous System and Immune System Protection: Helps protect against metabolic stress.
- Growth of New Cells: Enhances cognitive function and protects against heart disease.
- Digestive Function: Repairs and restores the gut lining.
- Genetic Integrity: Maintains DNA stability[3].
While bulletproof coffee can potentially affect autophagy, the extent of this effect depends on the amount of fat added. Consuming a small amount of fat might not significantly impact autophagy, but a larger amount can inhibit it. For optimal autophagy, it is recommended to consume bulletproof coffee with minimal added fat or to avoid it during fasting periods.
Will black coffee break autophagy?
Black coffee, which is low in calories and contains minimal nutrients, is unlikely to break autophagy. Here are some key points:
Factors That Affect Autophagy
- Glucose: Consuming glucose can inhibit autophagy.
- Protein: High protein intake can also block autophagy.
- Cortisol: Stress hormones like cortisol can suppress autophagy.
- Eating: Regular meals can disrupt autophagy.
Effect of Black Coffee
Black coffee, without added ingredients, contains very few calories and minimal nutrients. It is unlikely to initiate a significant metabolic change that would break a fast or disrupt autophagy[5]. However, if you add sugar or cream, it can increase the calorie and nutrient content, potentially affecting autophagy.
Benefits of Autophagy
Autophagy has numerous benefits, including:
- Cellular Mitochondria Regulation: Improves energy production.
- Nervous System and Immune System Protection: Helps protect against metabolic stress.
- Growth of New Cells: Enhances cognitive function and protects against heart disease.
- Digestive Function: Repairs and restores the gut lining.
- Genetic Integrity: Maintains DNA stability[3].
Black coffee, without added ingredients, is unlikely to break autophagy. It is a low-calorie beverage that does not contain significant nutrients that could disrupt the autophagy process. However, if you add sugar or cream, it can increase the calorie and nutrient content, potentially affecting autophagy.
Does MCT stop autophagy?
MCT (Medium-Chain Triglycerides) oil, when used in small amounts, does not significantly stop autophagy. Here are some key points:
Factors That Affect Autophagy
- Glucose: Consuming glucose can inhibit autophagy.
- Protein: High protein intake can also block autophagy.
- Cortisol: Stress hormones like cortisol can suppress autophagy.
- Eating: Regular meals can disrupt autophagy.
Effect of MCT Oil
MCT oil, when used in small amounts, such as one tablespoon, can inhibit autophagy slightly but is unlikely to have a significant impact. This is because the amount of fat provided is minimal compared to the body’s natural ability to regulate autophagy[1]. However, consuming a large amount of MCT oil can increase insulin levels and potentially disrupt autophagy.
Benefits of Autophagy
Autophagy has numerous benefits, including:
- Cellular Mitochondria Regulation: Improves energy production.
- Nervous System and Immune System Protection: Helps protect against metabolic stress.
- Growth of New Cells: Enhances cognitive function and protects against heart disease.
- Digestive Function: Repairs and restores the gut lining.
- Genetic Integrity: Maintains DNA stability[3].
MCT oil, when used in small amounts, does not significantly stop autophagy. However, consuming a large amount can increase insulin levels and potentially disrupt autophagy. For optimal autophagy, it is recommended to use MCT oil in moderation.
Can I drink bulletproof coffee while fasting?
Drinking bulletproof coffee while fasting can potentially break the fast, especially if it contains a significant amount of fat. Here are some key points:
Factors That Affect Autophagy
- Glucose: Consuming glucose can inhibit autophagy.
- Protein: High protein intake can also block autophagy.
- Cortisol: Stress hormones like cortisol can suppress autophagy.
- Eating: Regular meals can disrupt autophagy.
Effect of Bulletproof Coffee
Bulletproof coffee, which typically includes coconut oil or MCT oil, can break a fast if it contains a significant amount of fat. This is because the fat can increase insulin levels and provide a source of energy that can compete with autophagy[1]. However, if you use a small amount of fat, such as one tablespoon of butter or MCT oil, the effect on autophagy might be minimal[1].
Benefits of Autophagy
Autophagy has numerous benefits, including:
- Cellular Mitochondria Regulation: Improves energy production.
- Nervous System and Immune System Protection: Helps protect against metabolic stress.
- Growth of New Cells: Enhances cognitive function and protects against heart disease.
- Digestive Function: Repairs and restores the gut lining.
- Genetic Integrity: Maintains DNA stability[3].
Drinking bulletproof coffee while fasting can potentially break the fast, especially if it contains a significant amount of fat. For optimal autophagy, it is recommended to avoid bulletproof coffee during fasting periods or to use it with minimal added fat.
Will bulletproof coffee block autophagy in the morning?
Bulletproof coffee, when consumed in the morning, can potentially block autophagy if it contains a significant amount of fat. Here are some key points:
Factors That Affect Autophagy
- Glucose: Consuming glucose can inhibit autophagy.
- Protein: High protein intake can also block autophagy.
- Cortisol: Stress hormones like cortisol can suppress autophagy.
- Eating: Regular meals can disrupt autophagy.
Effect of Bulletproof Coffee
Bulletproof coffee, which typically includes coconut oil or MCT oil, can block autophagy in the morning if it contains a significant amount of fat. This is because the fat can increase insulin levels and provide a source of energy that can compete with autophagy[1]. However, if you use a small amount of fat, such as one tablespoon of butter or MCT oil, the effect on autophagy might be minimal[1].
Benefits of Autophagy
Autophagy has numerous benefits, including:
- Cellular Mitochondria Regulation: Improves energy production.
- Nervous System and Immune System Protection: Helps protect against metabolic stress.
- Growth of New Cells: Enhances cognitive function and protects against heart disease.
- Digestive Function: Repairs and restores the gut lining.
- Genetic Integrity: Maintains DNA stability[3].
Bulletproof coffee, when consumed in the morning, can potentially block autophagy if it contains a significant amount of fat. For optimal autophagy, it is recommended to use bulletproof coffee with minimal added fat or to avoid it during fasting periods.
When to drink bulletproof coffee intermittent fasting?
Drinking bulletproof coffee during intermittent fasting can potentially break the fast, especially if it contains a significant amount of fat. Here are some key points:
Factors That Affect Autophagy
- Glucose: Consuming glucose can inhibit autophagy.
- Protein: High protein intake can also block autophagy.
- Cortisol: Stress hormones like cortisol can suppress autophagy.
- Eating: Regular meals can disrupt autophagy.
Effect of Bulletproof Coffee
Bulletproof coffee, which typically includes coconut oil or MCT oil, can break a fast if it contains a significant amount of fat. This is because the fat can increase insulin levels and provide a source of energy that can compete with autophagy[1]. However, if you use a small amount of fat, such as one tablespoon of butter or MCT oil, the effect on autophagy might be minimal[1].
Benefits of Autophagy
Autophagy has numerous benefits, including:
- Cellular Mitochondria Regulation: Improves energy production.
- Nervous System and Immune System Protection: Helps protect against metabolic stress.
- Growth of New Cells: Enhances cognitive function and protects against heart disease.
- Digestive Function: Repairs and restores the gut lining.
- Genetic Integrity: Maintains DNA stability[3].
Drinking bulletproof coffee during intermittent fasting can potentially break the fast, especially if it contains a significant amount of fat. For optimal autophagy, it is recommended to avoid bulletproof coffee during fasting periods or to use it with minimal added fat.
Bulletproof coffee recipe
Here is a simple recipe for bulletproof coffee:
- 1 cup freshly brewed coffee
- 1 to 2 tablespoons grass-fed, unsalted butter or grass-fed ghee
- 1 to 2 tablespoons MCT oil
- Brew your coffee.
- Add the butter or ghee and MCT oil to the coffee.
- Mix well until the mixture is smooth and creamy.
- Use high-quality ingredients to ensure the best results.
- Start with small amounts of butter and MCT oil and adjust to your taste.
- Avoid adding sugar or other sweeteners to keep the coffee low in calories.
Does Bulletproof coffee spike insulin?
Bulletproof coffee can potentially spike insulin levels, especially if it contains a significant amount of fat. Here are some key points:
Factors That Affect Autophagy
- Glucose: Consuming glucose can inhibit autophagy.
- Protein: High protein intake can also block autophagy.
- Cortisol: Stress hormones like cortisol can suppress autophagy.
- Eating: Regular meals can disrupt autophagy.
Effect of Bulletproof Coffee
Bulletproof coffee, which typically includes coconut oil or MCT oil, can spike insulin levels if it contains a significant amount of fat. This is because the fat can increase insulin levels and provide a source of energy that can compete with autophagy[1]. However, if you use a small amount of fat, such as one tablespoon of butter or MCT oil, the effect on insulin levels might be minimal[1].
Benefits of Autophagy
Autophagy has numerous benefits, including:
- Cellular Mitochondria Regulation: Improves energy production.
- Nervous System and Immune System Protection: Helps protect against metabolic stress.
- Growth of New Cells: Enhances cognitive function and protects against heart disease.
- Digestive Function: Repairs and restores the gut lining.
- Genetic Integrity: Maintains DNA stability[3].
Bulletproof coffee can potentially spike insulin levels, especially if it contains a significant amount of fat. For optimal autophagy, it is recommended to use bulletproof coffee with minimal added fat or to avoid it during fasting periods.
Bulletproof coffee intermittent fasting recipe
Here is a simple recipe for bulletproof coffee during intermittent fasting:
- 1 cup freshly brewed coffee
- 1 tablespoon grass-fed, unsalted butter or grass-fed ghee
- 1 tablespoon MCT oil
- Brew your coffee.
- Add the butter and MCT oil to the coffee.
- Mix well until the mixture is smooth and creamy.
- Use high-quality ingredients to ensure the best results.
- Start with small amounts of butter and MCT oil and adjust to your taste.
- Avoid adding sugar or other sweeteners to keep the coffee low in calories.
Does Bulletproof coffee break intermittent fasting?
Bulletproof coffee, when consumed during intermittent fasting, can potentially break the fast, especially if it contains a significant amount of fat. Here are some key points:
Factors That Affect Autophagy
- Glucose: Consuming glucose can inhibit autophagy.
- Protein: High protein intake can also block autophagy.
- Cortisol: Stress hormones like cortisol can suppress autophagy.
- Eating: Regular meals can disrupt autophagy.
Effect of Bulletproof Coffee
Bulletproof coffee, which typically includes coconut oil or MCT oil, can break a fast if it contains a significant amount of fat. This is because the fat can increase insulin levels and provide a source of energy that can compete with autophagy[1]. However, if you use a small amount of fat, such as one tablespoon of butter or MCT oil, the effect on autophagy might be minimal[1].
Benefits of Autophagy
Autophagy has numerous benefits, including:
- Cellular Mitochondria Regulation: Improves energy production.
- Nervous System and Immune System Protection: Helps protect against metabolic stress.
- Growth of New Cells: Enhances cognitive function and protects against heart disease.
- Digestive Function: Repairs and restores the gut lining.
- Genetic Integrity: Maintains DNA stability[3].
Bulletproof coffee, when consumed during intermittent fasting, can potentially break the fast, especially if it contains a significant amount of fat. For optimal autophagy, it is recommended to avoid bulletproof coffee during fasting periods or to use it with minimal added fat.
Bulletproof intermittent fasting results
Intermittent fasting with bulletproof coffee can have mixed results, depending on the amount of fat consumed. Here are some key points:
Factors That Affect Autophagy
- Glucose: Consuming glucose can inhibit autophagy.
- Protein: High protein intake can also block autophagy.
- Cortisol: Stress hormones like cortisol can suppress autophagy.
- Eating: Regular meals can disrupt autophagy.
Effect of Bulletproof Coffee
Bulletproof coffee, when consumed during intermittent fasting, can potentially break the fast, especially if it contains a significant amount of fat. This can affect the results of intermittent fasting. However, if used with minimal added fat, it can still provide benefits such as improved cognitive function and reduced inflammation[4].
Benefits of Autophagy
Autophagy has numerous benefits, including:
- Cellular Mitochondria Regulation: Improves energy production.
- Nervous System and Immune System Protection: Helps protect against metabolic stress.
- Growth of New Cells: Enhances cognitive function and protects against heart disease.
- Digestive Function: Repairs and restores the gut lining.
- Genetic Integrity: Maintains DNA stability[3].
Intermittent fasting with bulletproof coffee can have mixed results, depending on the amount of fat consumed. For optimal autophagy and intermittent fasting results, it is recommended to use bulletproof coffee with minimal added fat or to avoid it during fasting periods.