Lemon Water is Essential for Fasting

Why is lemon water essential for fasting and the ketogenic diet?

  • Lemon water helps balance pH levels, especially important during ketosis
  • It can help reduce excess acidity caused by ketones
  • Lemon water supports kidney health by binding with oxalates
  • It provides vitamin C (when not pasteurized)

What are the benefits of lemons?

  • Decrease risk of kidney stones
  • Source of vitamin C (when fresh)
  • Turn alkaline in the body after consumption
  • Help combat acidosis

How do lemons affect acidosis?

  • Lemons turn alkaline within an hour after consumption
  • This helps balance pH levels in people with acidosis
  • Normal blood pH should be between 7.35 and 7.45
  • Acidosis occurs when pH drops below 7.35

ٍSymptoms of acidosis

  • Shortness of breath
  • Labored breathing
  • Headaches
  • Tiredness
  • Confusion
  • Tremors
  • Sleepiness
  • Arrhythmias
  • Increased heart rate

What causes the body to become too acidic?

  • Ketogenic diet and fasting (increased ketones)
  • Kidney damage
  • Excess iron
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Lactic acidosis (often due to B1 deficiency)
  • Liver damage
  • Excess exercise
  • Overconsumption of acidic foods/drinks (e.g., apple cider vinegar, kombucha)

What should you do to combat acidosis?

  • Drink lemon water (about 1 oz of lemon juice in water)
  • Can be consumed even while fasting
  • Helps minimize acidosis symptoms
  • For lactic acidosis, consider B1 supplementation

Important Notes:

  • Balance is key – aim for the right pH, not too alkaline or too acidic
  • Ketoacidosis is rare and mainly affects type 1 diabetics who don’t take insulin
  • Lemon water is not a cure for all types of acidosis but can help in many cases
  • Consult a healthcare professional for severe or persistent symptoms

So let’s dive into the details…

Lemon water

The REAL Reason to Drink Lemon Water Every Day

So I’m going to talk about why lemon water is essential if you’re doing fasting and the ketogenic diet. Now typically when you think of lemons you think of acid right citric acid and lemon juice and lemons are really good to decrease the risk of kidney stones because they help bind with oxalates. And most kidney stones are calcium oxalate stones.

Key Points:

  • Lemon water is essential for fasting and ketogenic diet
  • Lemons contain citric acid
  • Lemons decrease the risk of kidney stones
  • Lemons help bind with oxalates
  • Most kidney stones are calcium oxalate stones

Benefits of lemons

Benefits of lemons

There is some vitamin C in lemons okay but not if it’s in a jar and it’s pasteurized because the heat destroys the vitamin C.

The other side note that you need to know is that any time you consume vitamin C in your body or any food with vitamin C and at the same time you’re consuming sugar what’s going to happen is your body is going to absorb the sugar but not the vitamin C because their chemistry is very similar.

The body will always absorb sugar before vitamin C and I can think of like lemonade for example where people take the lemons and all the sugar they’re thinking oh yeah I’m gonna get some vitamin C no they’re not.

Important Notes:

Lemons and acidosis

Lemons and acidosis

So there’s some other benefits of lemon juice or lemons and you could use the juice of one lemon which is one ounce of lemon juice or just lemon juice for what I’m going to recommend.

Now what’s interesting about citrus in general and lemon juice or lime juice is that after you consume it within one hour that acid turns to an alkaline substance.

It turns alkaline so lemons are good for people that have acidosis where their pH is slightly too acidic. That means the pH has dropped down.

Lemon Benefits:

  • One ounce of lemon juice is recommended
  • Citrus turns alkaline within an hour after consumption
  • Lemons help with acidosis
  • Acidosis occurs when pH is too low

Symptoms of acidosis

Now normally the blood pH should be between 7.35 and 7.45 okay. Now anything above 7 more alkaline so the blood is naturally alkaline but if it goes below this 7.35 you start developing a condition called acidosis.

Acidosis Symptoms:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Labored breathing
  • Deep breathing
  • Headaches (due to excess CO2)
  • Tiredness
  • Confusion
  • Tremors
  • Sleepiness
  • Arrhythmias
  • Increased heart rate

The right pH

What’s interesting about that is there’s this concept that if you’re too acid you’re always unhealthy we need to alkalize the body.

Alkalizing the body for every condition is a good thing uh including cancer but that’s actually not true you don’t want to be too alkaline you don’t want to be too acid you want to be exactly right where you should be.

pH Balance:

  • Being too acidic is not always unhealthy
  • Alkalizing the body isn’t always beneficial
  • Balance is key – not too alkaline, not too acidic

A great remedy

But in this topicI wanted to talk about the symptoms of being too acidic and what causes that and the remedy would be lemon juice and you can put in your water.

What causes the body to be too acidic

Keto and fasting

So what causes our bodies to become too acidic? Keto and fasting could do it. Now if your body is healthy you’re not going to develop acidosis

from this right here but ketones in general are acidic and when you do a ketogenic diet low carb and you do fasting you’re going to have more ketones you might have more acid in the body and so drinking lemon juice can help reduce some of the excess acidity.

Causes of Acidosis:

Keto and FastingCan increase ketones, which are acidic
Kidney DamageCan lead to acidosis
Excess IronCan cause acidosis
AlcoholCan put you in a state of acidosis
Lactic AcidosisCan occur with metformin use or B1 deficiency

If your kidneys are damaged you can develop acidosis. If you have too much iron you can have too much acidosis. Alcohol will put you in a state of acidosis and then you have a condition called lactic acidosis.

this occurs when you consume metformin which is a medication for diabetes one of the side effects would be lactic acidosis but really this mainly occurs if you are B1 deficient if you’re consuming a lot of carbs that’s going to deplete B1 or refined grains especially so if you have acidosis taking B1 can greatly help that.


Now ketoacidosis is very rare this only occurs if you’re a type 1 diabetic and you fail to take your insulin. So I mean taking lemon water is not going to create a big change for this if you’re interested in more information

but this is very rare and this is not going to happen to anyone who is healthy so if you do a keto diet or fasting you’re not going to develop this unless you’re a type 1 diabetic and you fail to take your insulin.

If liver’s damaged you can actually go into acidosis from that. Excess exercise can also put you in a state of acidosis. Now there’s other things that can do it too

What to do

for example if you’re consuming a tremendous amount of apple cider vinegar or you do kombucha tea like uh in the past I remember drinking a whole bottle of kombucha tea very very acidic and I definitely went into a state of acidosis because my heart rate started going very very high just pounding and pounding and pounding and I had some of these symptoms my breathing was off I couldn’t sleep at night.

So what I did is I drank some lemon juice. Bam handle it. So realize that the lemon turns alkaline after about an hour and it’ll start to adjust your pH that way.

There’s certain conditions that will cause this and there’s certain conditions that will cause this and you want to be right in the middle right here.


If you’re doing fasting if you’re doing keto I would recommend to do this even while you’re fasting take some lemon maybe about one ounce put that in water drink that down and that way you can help minimize this condition right here and some of these symptoms thanks for watching.


when a person thinks of lemons, they think of citric acid. Lemons may help decrease the risk of kidney stones because they help bind with oxalates. There is also some vitamin C in lemons. But, the vitamin C is destroyed if the lemon juice product has been pasteurized.

What’s interesting about lemon juice, is that within one hour after you consume it, it turns alkaline. Lemons may be beneficial for people that have acidosis.

Symptoms of acidosis:
• Shortness of breath
• Labored breathing
• Headaches
• Tiredness
• Confusion
• Tremors
• Arrhythmias
• Increased heart rate

You don’t actually want to be too alkaline or too acid. A great remedy for being too acidic would actually be lemon juice.

What can cause the body to be too acidic:
• Keto/fasting
• Kidney problems
• Too much iron
• Alcohol
• Lactic acidosis
• Ketoacidosis
• Liver problems
• Excessive exercise

If you’re doing fasting or keto, mix some lemon (about 1 oz.) in water and drink that to help minimize acidosis and some of the symptoms of acidosis.


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Does lemon water help with fasting?

Yes, lemon water can be beneficial during fasting periods:

  • Helps maintain hydration
  • Supports electrolyte balance
  • May reduce hunger pangs
  • Assists in balancing pH levels, especially important during ketosis
  • Provides a small amount of vitamin C without breaking the fast

Note: Use fresh lemon juice and avoid adding sweeteners to maintain fasting benefits.

What happens when you drink lemon water on an empty stomach?

Drinking lemon water on an empty stomach can have several effects:

  • Stimulates digestive system and may improve bowel movements
  • Can increase production of stomach acid, aiding digestion
  • May boost metabolism and promote fat burning
  • Helps rehydrate the body after sleep
  • Can enhance absorption of nutrients from subsequent meals

Caution: Some people may experience heartburn or acid reflux if consumed on a completely empty stomach.

What happens when you drink lemon water for 7 days?

Consistently drinking lemon water for a week may lead to:

  • Improved hydration levels
  • Enhanced digestion and regularity
  • Potential boost in vitamin C intake
  • Possible improvement in skin appearance due to increased hydration
  • Mild detoxification effect through supporting liver function
  • Potential reduction in bloating

Results may vary depending on overall diet and lifestyle factors.

Can we drink lemon water on Monday fasting?

Yes, lemon water is generally acceptable during most types of fasting, including Monday fasts:

  • Contains negligible calories (about 6 calories per lemon wedge)
  • Doesn’t significantly impact insulin levels
  • Helps maintain hydration during the fast
  • May help reduce hunger sensations

Always check with your healthcare provider or religious advisor if you’re unsure about specific fasting guidelines.

Disadvantages of drinking lemon water daily

While generally beneficial, daily lemon water consumption may have some drawbacks:

  • Potential enamel erosion due to citric acid
  • May cause heartburn or acid reflux in sensitive individuals
  • Possible increase in frequency of urination
  • Might interact with certain medications
  • Can potentially worsen canker sores

To minimize negative effects, use a straw, rinse mouth after drinking, and consult a doctor if you have concerns.

Lemon water 3-day fast benefits

A 3-day fast with lemon water may offer several potential benefits:

  • Promotes autophagy (cellular cleaning process)
  • May enhance insulin sensitivity
  • Potential boost to immune function
  • Possible reduction in inflammation
  • May aid in breaking unhealthy eating patterns
  • Supports hydration during the fasting period

Always consult with a healthcare professional before undertaking extended fasts.

Does lemon water break autophagy?

Lemon water is unlikely to significantly impact autophagy:

  • Contains very few calories (about 6 per lemon wedge)
  • Doesn’t trigger an insulin response
  • May actually support autophagy through its cleansing properties
  • Helps maintain hydration, which is important for cellular processes

For strict fasts, some prefer water only, but lemon water is generally considered acceptable for maintaining autophagy.

Side effects of lemon water for female

While generally safe, women should be aware of potential side effects:

  • May increase frequency of urination
  • Could potentially disrupt vaginal pH if consumed in excess
  • Might exacerbate heartburn, especially during pregnancy
  • Could interact with certain medications, including birth control
  • May cause temporary skin photosensitivity if applied topically

Moderation is key. Consult with a healthcare provider if you have concerns, especially during pregnancy or when taking medications.

What happens when you drink lemon water for 30 days

Consistent consumption of lemon water for a month may lead to:

  • Improved hydration habits
  • Potential boost in vitamin C levels
  • Possible improvement in digestion and regularity
  • May contribute to clearer skin due to increased hydration and vitamin C
  • Potential mild weight loss if replacing higher-calorie beverages
  • Possible reduction in bloating and inflammation

Results can vary based on overall diet, lifestyle, and individual health factors.

How to make lemon water

Simple steps to prepare lemon water:

  1. Wash a fresh lemon thoroughly
  2. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice into a glass of water (8-10 oz)
  3. For added benefits, include some of the pulp
  4. Optionally, add a small amount of zest for extra flavor
  5. For warm lemon water, use room temperature or slightly warm water
  6. Stir well and enjoy immediately

Use fresh lemons rather than bottled juice for maximum nutritional benefits.

Best time to drink lemon water

Optimal times to consume lemon water include:

  • First thing in the morning on an empty stomach
  • 30 minutes before meals to aid digestion
  • Between meals to maintain hydration
  • Before or after exercise for electrolyte balance
  • Before bedtime (if it doesn’t disrupt sleep due to increased urination)

Experiment to find the time that works best for your body and schedule.

Overnight lemon water benefits

Preparing lemon water overnight may offer additional benefits:

  • Increased extraction of beneficial compounds from the lemon
  • Potentially higher vitamin C content
  • Convenience for early morning consumption
  • May have a milder, less acidic taste
  • Could be more palatable for those sensitive to strong lemon flavor

Store overnight lemon water in a glass container in the refrigerator to maintain freshness and prevent bacterial growth.

Dr. Berg

I am a health educator specializing in weight loss through nutritional and natural methods such as the keto diet plan and intermittent fasting

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