Breaking Through Your Weight Loss Plateau: A Comprehensive Guide

Breaking Through Your Weight Loss Plateau: A Comprehensive Guide

Remember that dreadful weight loss plateau I hit? 😩 Yeah, the one where the scale wouldn’t budge no matter how hard I tried. It was beyond frustrating! But guess what? I discovered some powerful strategies that blasted through that plateau and got me back on track. Want to know how I did it? Keep reading!

Brief The Article:

What causes a weight loss plateau?

  • Incorrect implementation of diet plan
  • Hidden carbs in diet
  • High stress levels
  • Poor sleep quality
  • Underlying health issues
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Lack of proper exercise

How to implement the diet correctly?

  • Keep carbs below 20 grams
  • Avoid snacking between meals
  • Practice intermittent fasting
  • Eat only when hungry
  • Adjust fat intake at end of meals
  • Maintain high vegetable intake

What are hidden carbs to watch out for?

  • Alcohol
  • Fruits (except small amounts of berries)

How to manage stress for weight loss?

  • Reduce environmental stressors
  • Take long walks (1.5 hours daily)
  • Improve sleep quality and duration

What health issues can affect weight loss?

  • Thyroid problems
  • Constipation
  • Menstrual cycle irregularities
  • Inflammatory conditions (e.g., arthritis, fibromyalgia)

What supplements might help with weight loss?

  • Minerals (potassium, manganese, trace minerals)
  • B vitamins
  • Full body, high intensity workouts
  • Short duration
  • Long rest periods
  • Infrequent to allow full recovery

So let’s dive into the details…

Breaking Through Your Weight Loss Plateau

Breaking Through Your Weight Loss Plateau: A Comprehensive Guide

Hi, guys. I wanna do another topic to recap what happens when you plateau with your weight loss. I have a lot of topics on this

I wanted to do this topic in a new unit of time to kinda give you some of the updated information in the sequence of importance. Okay?

Just based on people’s successes and failures and what I’m running into when I’m talking to people and trying to debug cases.

Implementing Correctly: The Foundation of Success

The first thing you’re gonna look at when you’re plateauing is make sure that you’re doing it correctly and you’re implementing correctly.

So many people are not getting in the basics. So they’re doing something partially and they’re wondering why it’s not working.

Key Points for Correct Implementation:

  • Keep carbs below 20 grams, especially for slow metabolism
  • No snacking between meals
  • Practice intermittent fasting correctly
  • Eat only when hungry
  • Adjust fat intake at the end of meals
  • Keep vegetable intake high

The most important thing is, especially if you have a slow metabolism, is to keep your carbs below 20 grams. Okay? Yeah.

You can go up to 50, but 20 grams or less, very important, because there’s that can actually completely stop your progress.

Some people can’t get away with even 30, let alone 40 or 50, so they go down to 20 and, man, they start losing like crazy.

Hidden Carbs: The Sneaky Saboteurs


Number 2, the hidden carbs. Alcohol is a hidden carb. It’s going to stop your weight loss. So if you’re doing it all week long and you’re going off on the weekends and doing wine, alcohol, that could be the reason why it’s not working.

Or if you’re consuming fruit, apples, things like that. You can have little berries, but fruit will easily bump you out of ketosis.

Stress Management: A Crucial Factor


Stress is a big one. If you’re a stress bucket where you have your so much stress around your in your environment, your family, this and that,

you’re gonna just have to do whatever you have to do to reduce that stress or change your environment because this could completely stop your ability to lose weight because it spikes cortisol.

In the presence of cortisol, all 6 fapening hormones are shut down.

Stress Management Techniques:

  • Long walks (1.5 hours daily)
  • Improve sleep quality and duration

Addressing Other Health Issues

Subclinical Hypothyroidism and Zinc Deficiency

Next one is other health problems. If you’re trying to lose weight on top of other health problems, you’re violating the whole, getting healthy to lose weight, not lose weight to get healthy.

So the goal is to get healthy and that means get rid of the other health problems that you have.

Common Health Issues to Address:

  • Thyroid function
  • Constipation
  • Menstrual cycle irregularities
  • Inflammatory conditions (arthritis, fibromyalgia)

Supplementation: Filling the Nutritional Gaps

Then we have, supplementing. Some people, need to add or enhance their diet with more minerals, more potassium, more manganese, more trace minerals and b vitamins. Okay?

So this is another thing that will actually help tweak and enhance your ability to lose weight.

Exercise: The Final Piece of the Puzzle


And then, of course, adding the exercise is the icing on the cake. Again, work up to it. Make sure you don’t over train.

The goal is to do a full body, high intensity, short duration, long rest, not very frequent to let your body to recover a 100% to maximize the benefit of that fat burning effect.

Alright? So see which one you need to apply and see if that doesn’t help you debug that weight loss plateau.



  1. Keep your carbs below 20 grams (esp. if you have a slow metabolism)
  2. No snacking between meals – do intermittent fasting (don’t eat when you are not hungry). If you have low blood sugar, add more fat to the meal.
  3. Keep your vegetables on the high end. You will need the fiber for the gut and the nutrients
  4. Hidden carbs – avoid alcohol and fruit are the most common.
  5. Stress – go from long walks and change your environment.
  6. Sleep – this can kill your metabolism. Adding another hour of sleep could be the difference between losing and not losing
  7. Other health problems – if you have “other” health problems like thyroid, constipation, problems with your cycles (menstruation), and inflammation.
  8. Supplements (add minerals and B-vitamins)
  9. Adding the exercise – whole body higher intensity, short duration with lots of rest is best.

Dr. Berg

I am a health educator specializing in weight loss through nutritional and natural methods such as the keto diet plan and intermittent fasting

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